take the stand

[tek ði stænd][teik ðə stænd]


  • Because walking has to be subtly altered according to the type of surface the robots have to take the ground on which they stand into account .

    因为走路必须精确按地表类型改动,机器人不得不 考虑它们所 地表 情况。

  • Well to improve the situation I think the key point is to take some effective measures to make the hotel really stand out in this highly competitive market .

    是的,为了改变这种情况,我认为重要的一点事 采取一些有效的措施来让 我们 酒店在激烈竞争的市场中真正的 脱颖而出

  • The day wrapped up after brief introductory testimony by Philip Schiller an Apple senior vice president who is expected to take the witness stand again when the trial reconvenes Friday .

    在苹果高级副总裁希勒(PhilipSchiller)发表了简短的介绍性证词后,第一天的审理结束。预计周五再次开庭时,希勒还 出庭 作证

  • Lets pave the way for more clean energy investments take on the entrenched political and economic interests that stand in the way of clean energy technology and sources being used in nations around the world .

    让我们为争取更多的清洁能源投资铺平道路,排除 阻挠发展清洁能源的根深蒂固的政治和经济利益集团, 利用世界各国正在使用的技术和资源。

  • The history of East Asia determines that we must take the stand of regional system in viewing the south sea issue .

    对南海问题的认识 必须 地区体系 高度,这是由东亚自身的历史决定的。

  • Based on the characteristics of stand structure of National Stadium engineering authors introduce the selection of raw material mix ratio design of high-fluid concrete and take some mix ration test which can guide the stand structure construction of the National Stadium and get good effects .

    根据国家体育场工程看台结构特点,对高流态混凝土的原材料选用,配合比设计进行论述并 进行试验比较分析,指导并应用于国家体育场工程 看台结构并取得良好效果。

  • They take the stand of the working class and constitute a force our Party can rely on . Counter-revolutionaries will naturally pay attention to it and revolutionary people even more so .

    这样 革命知识分子,是我们党的一支依靠的力量。反革命分子固然注意它,革命人民尤其注意它。

  • Hunter take the East side there . joyce you stand by the west my man .

    亨特, 东面,乔伊斯,我的好伙计,你 西面。

  • This means that if you take the proper steps in a survival situation you stand a good chance at living to talk about it .

    这意味着如果你在求生的环境中 采取适当的措施,你 有机会活着来谈论这一切。

  • It is clinically to take the immunologic monitoring seriously strengthen immune and stand by the therapy .

    临床上应 重视免疫监测,加强免疫 支持治疗。

  • Then take the mountaineering trolley can stand down to Saul .

    然后 乘坐登山电车就可以下山到强罗

  • The woman asked her husband to take the flowers and put them behind the stand .

    的那个女人 面前,她知道她无 解释为什么她 放在 这里

  • I 'd like the next witness to please take the stand .

    下一位证人, 证人

  • Take the guesswork out of where you stand Mathison suggests & again so you can devote more attention to what matters which is where you 're going next either at this company or elsewhere .


  • Take a turn round that stump with the bight of it ! Stand by that stage now & let her go !

    绳头 船桩绕住好,就这么拉紧&放手吧!

  • If you 're going to take up the violin I suppose we 'll have to get you a music stand .

    如果你打算 小提琴,我想我们就得给你买个乐谱

  • Take a good look at the men and women that stand next to you .

    好好看看那些 在你旁边 男人和女人。

  • One of the most important questions that the defense must consider is whether the accused will take the stand .

    辩护方必须考虑的最重要的问题之一就是被告是否 抗辩到底。

  • To serve them we must take the class stand of the proletariat and not that of the petty bourgeoisie .

    我们要为这四种人服务, 必须 在无产阶级 立场上,而不能 在小资产阶级的 立场上。

  • From the view of deep significance sight design is human zoological system design . Therefore city sight design should take city zoological construction as the stand of sustainable development .

    从深层意义上来说,景观设计是人类生态系统的设计,因此,城市景观设计应 城市生态建设的可持续发展为 立足点。

  • The writer take the feminist stand combine iconography with sociology to analyze and discuss the characteristics and the reasons of the outcome of new female images .

    笔者 女性主义的 立场,运用图像学、社会学相结合的方法分析和论述了这些女性形象的特点和产生原因。

  • It 's time for the witness to take the stand for cross-examination .

    是证人 上证 接受盘问的时候了。

  • The study of Sanxingdui should take the investigation of weather three or four thousand years ago as the stand and analyze the durative drought sudden flood and glacier movement .

    三星堆文明,应从 所在的 三四千年前的古气候考察为 立足点,以持续性干旱、突发性洪水和山区冰川活动的灾害性现象为特征进行分析、研究。

  • Will the next witness take the stand ?

    请下一个证人 就位 作证 吗?

  • Officer take this man away from the stand .

    警官, 这个男人赶出 讲台

  • He will take the stand at the Geneva motor show tomorrow to unveil the future of a 102-year-old manufacturer .

    今日,他 出席日内瓦车展,向世人展示这家有102年历史的汽车制造商的未来。

  • She was asked to take the witness stand and was then cross-exam-ined by the state attorney .

    她被要求 进入证人 ,接受州检查官的盘问。

  • Act on the Important Thought of Three Represents and Take the Firm Cultural Stand ; The delegation used Britain as the jumping-off place of their six-nation European tour

    实践“三个代表” 站稳文化 立场代表团把英国作为此次欧洲六国之行的起点站

  • Meanwhile President Obama 's nominee to take Stevens'seat Elena Kagan was taking the stand for the first time in her confirmation hearings .

    与此同时,奥巴马总统的提名 采取Stevens的座位,埃琳娜卡根,正在为她的第一次听证会 立场

  • Could you take my bags to the Taxi Stand please ?

    方便 我的行李放到出租车停靠 吗?