


  • Overall 81 % of patients had cartilage injury noted during arthroscopy with the most common site being the talus .

    总的来说,关节镜下可发现81%患者合并软骨损伤,最常发生的部位是 距骨

  • Fixation with biodegradable screws for treating the fracture and dislocation of talus in 16 patients

    可吸收螺钉治疗 距骨骨折脱位16例

  • The utility model provides a safe decorated glass plate comprising a talus printing metal frames and a plastic protective layer .

    本实用新型提供一种 斜面、印花、金属框和塑料保护层组成的安全玻璃装饰板。

  • Objective To observe the clinical curative effect of the treatment of acute talus arthrosis sprain with the combination of fire needle and warm needle moxibustion .

    目的:对比针药结合和单纯针刺、单纯中药对 缺血性脑血管病的防治作用,为临床选择最佳的防治方案提供实验依据。

  • Investigation indicates that : talus material residual deposit and strong weathering bedrock are material base of clastic flow landslide ;

    调查分析表明:残 积物与强风化基岩是碎屑流滑坡的物质基础;

  • Digitalized visualization reconstruction and three-dimensional geometry measurement of calcaneus and talus

    双曲线 定位,测距 定位跟骨、 距骨的计算机三维重建及其解剖学测量

  • Construction of Ankle and Foot Three-Dimensional Numerical Model and Analysis of Finite Element of Talus in Ectocondyle Unstable Situation

    踝足数值模型的建立及踝关节外侧失稳的 距骨有限元分析

  • The construction method of talus shallow tunnel advanced support large pipe shed

    堆积 浅埋隧道超前支护大管棚施工方法

  • At puberty a temporal sudden increase was not found in the talus .

    到青春发育期, 距骨也不出现增长高峰。

  • Results The primary ossification shape of the talus manifested from roundness to ellipse and presented dumbbell appearances gradually .

    结果 距骨原发骨化形态,从圆形到椭圆形,逐渐呈哑铃状外观。

  • Results : A three dimensional finite element model of calcaneus and talus was established .

    建立组合式的 完整 颈椎 三维有限元模型,进行 生物力学分析。

  • Genesis of the Permian Limestone Neptunian Dykes and Limestone Breccia Talus in the Xiajia Area Lingyun County Guangxi and Its Geological Significances

    广西 凌云下甲二叠纪沉积灰岩墙和角砾灰岩体的成因及地质意义

  • Some thick chaotic deposits appear to be mass flows and talus deposites ; others are early insituated dissolution residues .

    一些厚的混杂沉积物看来是块状流沉积和山麓 堆积物,另一些是早期原地的溶解残余物。

  • With the increasing of bond strength between soil particles the initial elastic modulus and peak strength of talus deposit go up at a certain level .

    随着土颗粒间黏结强度的提高, 堆积 的初始弹性模量和峰值强度都有所提高。

  • As a typical binary medium talus deposit is made up of weak parent soil stiff macadam or rock blocks .

    堆积 是一种典型的二元介质,由软弱的基质土与坚硬的碎、块石构成。

  • Technical difficulties and countermeasures in construction of prestressed anchorage cables in talus

    预应力锚索在 堆积体内施工技术的难点与对策

  • Preliminary report of three cases of minimally invasive surgery combined with cantilever external fixator for the treatment of congenital vertical talus

    微创手术结合外固定器治疗先天性垂直 距骨3例初步报告

  • Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Internal Fixation with Hollow Screw in the Treatment of Talus Fracture

    经皮微创空心螺钉内固定治疗 距骨骨折

  • Selections of Operative Treatments for Complicated Talus Fracture Dislocation and Analysis of Its Clinical Effects

    复杂 距骨骨折脱位的术式选择及其疗效分析

  • By carrying through physical and mechanical test of sand-sliding samples granularity composition of sand-sliding which mainly made up of medium sand coarse sand and talus debris are found .

    对溜砂坡砂样进行有关物理与力学试验,得 出溜砂坡的粒度成分以中、粗砂和角砾为主;

  • Objective To analyze the clinical feature surgical treatment and prognosis of primary bone tumor of the talus .

    目的探讨 距骨原发肿瘤的发病特点、外科治疗和预后。

  • She used only thirty-six thousand five hundred of these and threw the remaining block down at the foot of Blue Ridge peak . At puberty a temporal sudden increase was not found in the talus .

    “娲皇 只用了三万六千五百块,只单单剩了一块未用,便 在此 山青埂峰下”到青春发育期, 距骨也不出现增长高峰。

  • The talus rests upon the upper surface of the calcaneus .

    距骨 出于跟骨的上面。

  • Fusion surgery involves cementing the shin bone ( tibia )– the thicker of the two bones in the lower leg – to the talus bone in the ankle .

    关节融合术融合关节间的胫骨(小腿骨中较粗的那个)和 距骨

  • The Analysis of the Deformation Characteristics and the Stability of a Talus Slope under Strong Earthquake void space in packing system

    强震作用下堆积 边坡变形特征和稳定性分析

  • The compact structure of bone trabecula beneath the sus-tentaculum talus progresses to the inferior part of the posterior calcaneal facet .

    载距突中关节面下方的骨小梁结构致密,并且与跟骨后关节面下方的致密骨小 梁相连续;