take the fancy of...


  • We are now in a new era directed by consumer the automobile design that can cater to consumer demand and the automobile model accord with consumer 's taste must take the fancy of consumer and occupy more selling markets .

    在这个以消费者为导向的时代,能够迎合消费者需求的汽车设计,符合消费者口味的汽车形态,必然 受到消费者 喜爱,从而拥有更多的销售市场。

  • Couplets as part of our folklore are popular in China . Its unique art forms shown by the beauty in meaning sound and form take the fancy of the people .

    楹联作为我国民俗的一部分,其独特的艺术形式所表现出来的意美、形美、 音美为人们所喜爱。