take apart

[tek əˈpɑrt][teik əˈpɑ:t]


  • The young worker is very skillful he could take apart this new machine and reassemble it in a few minutes .

    这位年轻工人技术熟练,他能 这台新机器 拆开并在几分钟之内把他重新组装好。

  • It takes to take apart a plane and put it back together again .

    飞机 拆开再拼起来的时间。

  • ON 't Take apart by yourself to avoid any harm !

    请勿 拆解内部 零件,以避免造成危害。

  • On the basis of value chain theory and customer delivery value theory designed an innovative framework to take apart the source of enterprise competitive advantage .

    以价值链理论和顾客让渡价值理论为基础构建一个新框架 剖析企业竞争优势的来源;

  • Everyone is winging it so make sure you take apart advice to understand why it worked once .

    每个人都是在即兴发挥,所以要确保你 接受独立的建议,以理解为什么某种做法能够成功。

  • In the third part I will take apart the contradiction of the formal rationality and the essential rationality ;

    第三部分分别从制度与文化两个领域出发 剖析形式合理性与实质合理性间存在的必然矛盾;

  • I have got the results that it 's too high to ship the whole truck for your behalf can we take apart them for shipping ?

    我正在向海运公司咨询运费价格,因为整机运费非常高,能否 机器 拆分用集装箱运输?

  • Take apart into its constituent pieces . fisherman 's lure that skims the surface of the water .

    拆除组成的各个部分。 除去表面水分的诱饵。

  • Please take apart the machine at first .

    请先 机器 拆开

  • Through the thorough research for the labor theoretical and realistic form of property right seek to go abroad have enterprise establishment the new route of labor property relations & state-owned enterprise take apart share system .

    通过对劳动产权理论和现实形态的深入研究,寻找出国有企业建立劳动产权制度的新路径&国有企业 分股制。

  • He proceeds to take apart every preconception anyone might have ever had about him .

    他继续 逐一 剖析人们对他可能怀有的成见。

  • The child wants to take apart a watch to see what makes it work .

    小孩想 拆开,看看是什么使它走个 停。

  • On the base of the pedagogy and psychology we have a sample survey to take apart the psychology mistakes of the conception learning and the different factors of it so as to put forward the relevant teaching improvement measures .

    在教育学、心理学理论的基础上,进行了抽样调查, 然后 剖析了概念学习的心理性错误类型,分析了影响数学概念学习的诸多因素,提出了相应的教学改进措施。

  • They will take that problem apart and analyze it in great detail

    他们会 认真分析那个问题,指出其 症结所在。

  • We take apart an electric screwdriver and find a really neat gear system !

    电动螺丝刀, 发现精巧的齿轮系统。

  • We would take apart my toy cars and look at the casting molding and assembly .

    我们可以 拆开我的玩具车去看它的内部构造、部件和如何装配的。

  • Part four deeply take apart the cause of formation of the problems . Part five make sure of the priority of the supply of public goods .

    第四部分对这些问题的成因 进行了深入 剖析

  • The Analysis of the Process That How China Sent Liu Changchun to Take Apart in the Olympic Games

    中华民国运作 刘长春参加奥运会过程的分析

  • Isn 't there anything else you can take apart ?

    没有什么其它的能 吗?

  • A shop where criminals take apart stolen cars and sell the parts .

    犯罪分子 所盗汽车 零件并销售出去的窝点。

  • But if you take apart the numbers it looks less impressive : 300m for a million places is 300 per place .

    但如果你 这个数字 分解,它看起来就没什么了不起的了:100万个位置共3亿英镑,合每个位置300英镑。

  • My little son likes to take apart his toy cars .

    我小儿子喜欢 玩具汽车 拆开玩。

  • But anything that 's simple can 't be destroyed in that way it has no parts to take apart .

    但是任何简单的东西不会毁灭,因为它们没有部分, 不会拆开

  • When the clock stopped he took it apart found what was wrong and put the whole thing together again .

    钟停以后,他把它 拆开,查出毛病所在,又把它重新组装了起来。

  • In the last part of this article experiences and lessons have been summarized through take apart the developmental course of New Energy Co layout scheme has been put forward for the company of the future .

    在案例分析部分,本文通过 剖析新能源公司发展的实际过程,总结出一些经验、 教训,对公司未来的发展提出了规划方案。

  • A cyber security evaluation centre in Banbury was established in 2010 by Huawei to take apart the physical equipment and software used in the UK to mitigate risks to national security .

    2010年,华为在英国班伯里( Banbury)建立了一个网络安全评估中心,负责分解并剖析在英国使用的硬件设备和软件,以缓解对国家安全构成的风险。

  • Maybe I can even take apart the crib .

    或许我还可以 婴儿床 了。

  • How could you take apart a good quality chair in order to fix the dwsks ?

    你怎么能因为要修课桌而 一张质量很好的椅子 拆散了呢?

  • If my computer stops working again I will take apart it myself .

    如果我的电脑又死机,我 亲手 了。