take example by

[tek ɪɡˈzæmpəl baɪ][teik iɡˈzɑ:mpl bai]


  • Mr Singh should take advantage of this for example by creating special economic zones where specific products that benefit both countries are allowed to trade freely .

    辛格总理应该 利用这个机会, 比如 通过设立经济特区,允许同时惠及两国的特定产品自由交易。

  • Finally take Xi ' an as the example carries on analysis respectively by the rate of increment model the traffic density model and the generate rate model to predict the future characteristics of the peak parking demand in Xi ' an .

    最后 西安市为 进行 实例分析,分别 增长率法、交通密度法、生成率法进行预测未来特征年西安市高峰停车需求量。

  • Take a look for example at some fascinating research by Andrew Lo a finance professor at MIT .

    比如 我们 可以 看看麻省理工学院(mit)教授罗闻全(andrewlo) 一些有趣的研究。

  • Take oceanic elliptical aerosol as an example the computing time is shorten by using the scattering phase function database .

    椭球形海洋性气溶胶为 通过建立散射相函数数据库的方法缩短逐次光子追踪的计算时间。

  • We take an example that use asphalt emulsion priming construct by Ha Shuang Highway detailed discuss the key tache of asphalt emulsion priming construct by reference other country road of local and experience of overseas .

    哈双高速公路乳化沥青透层 施工为 ,借鉴国内其它国道主干线及国外的经验,详细阐述了乳化沥青透层施工的关键环节。

  • Let 's take a look at a simple example of an asynchronous service used by a client – in this example both the client and the service are written using plain Java classes .

    让我们 看看 一个客户端使用的一个异步服务的简单 例子&在这个例子中,客户端和服务都使用普通的Java类编写。

  • Specific to the particular case of Chinese seasonal data we should firstly take example by methods such as X-12-ARIMA 、 TRAMO / SEATS these methods are rather mature in data smoothing and better in eliminating volatility so they can be directly applied .

    针对中国季节数据的具体情况,中国的季节调整首先要借鉴X-12-ARIMA、 TRAMO/SEATS等方法,这些方法对数据的平滑已经比较成熟,对于波动性的消除是比较好的,可以直接进行应用。

  • In this paper a 32-story complicated shape shear wall structure is take as an example for comparing the calculation by the three-dimentional analysis and the space-coordination analysis .

    本文 某三十二层复杂体型剪力墙结构工程为 空间三维分析方法和空间协同分析方法进行了计算比较。

  • This paper take the worm drive for example it makes a research by using the reliability theory and introduce refinements into Reliability of the worm drive .

    利用可靠性理论对玻璃器皿套色印花机中蜗杆传动进行分析研究,对如何提高其传动的可靠性提出了改进意见和进行了可靠性 验证

  • Take a motor with a boiler blower as an example . By calculation and analysis on the starting mode it is proven that it is not applicable of line start for explosion protection security ;

    锅炉鼓风机负载用电机为 进行了启动方式选择 计算分析,结果表明:直接启动不利于防爆安全;

  • Take comics for example . By citing specific examples he drove home his points .

    通过一些具体例子,他把问题 清楚

  • It take example of natural sciences deal with educational facts by means of experiment measurement and test for sake of objective and general knowledge about education .

    自然科学为 典范,以教育事实为对象, 运用实验、测量、统计等方法,寻求客观的、普遍的教育规律。

  • Take FOSTER-WHEELER FWD-11-D type mill reducer as an example by analyzing the wear fault of # 2B mill reducer bearing of Hejin Power Plant It introduces a method on how to diagnosis reducer bearing primary wear fault by using bearing vibration power spectrum .

    福斯特-惠勒FWD-11-D型磨煤机的减速器为 通过对减速器的轴承磨损故障进行监测和诊断,介绍了利用振动功率谱诊断减速器轴承初期磨损故障的方法。

  • It helps that – to take the most obvious example – the steps taken by the eurozone to prevent a disorderly collapse are more cogent than before .

    个最明显的 例子:欧元区为防止陷入无序崩溃而 采取的措施比以往更具说服力,这大有裨益。

  • Take example by the fertility behavior research of new home economics this paper empirically analyzed the influencing factors of number preference and birth age of family planning decision making from the community factors family factors and individual factors respectively .


  • Explained the prestressed technology development and the present situation . Elaborated the prestressed concrete structure in the indoors substation application . Take the example by the beam of prestressed concrete structure to introduce design process of the prestressed concrete structure .

    以后张有粘结预应力混凝土梁为 ,论述了预应力混凝土结构在全户内变电所中的应用及预应力混凝土结构的设计过程,使得全 户内变电 结构更加紧凑,减小占地。

  • Finally We studied this Web server 's application in the supervise and control system . Take this as an example inquiry into how to realize long range control by Internet .

    本文的最后对所设计的嵌入式Web服务器在电源控制项目中的应用做了展望, 通过这一 实际 案例探讨了如何 利用嵌入式Internet技术实现远程控制。

  • Take the linguistic aspect as an example . Motivated by the economic development 1 ) Putonghua flows in and becomes more and more popular ;

    表现 语言上, 经济发展的推动:1.普通话迅速流入并日渐 通行

  • Take for example the report prepared by V.K.Raina released by India 's Ministry of Environment and Forests .

    印度环境与林业部发布的 V.K.Raina的报告为

  • Take for example the tea grown by the Hunan Tea Company on White Cloud Mountain in the southern province of Hunan where the warm wet climate and the deep red-brown soil is perfect for cultivating quality tea leaves .

    湖南省茶业有限公司在该省白云山种植的茶叶为 。白云山气候温暖潮湿,有深厚的红棕色土壤,是种植高品质茶叶的理想之地。

  • Take Hebei province for example by coordinating and calculating the datum of Water Resource Communique and Water Stat. yearbook and analyzing the datum of the experiment station confirms the parameter of the formulas .

    河北省为 通过对河北省2003年水资源公报和河北省水利统计年鉴数据进行整理归纳计算,以及河北省大型试验场的试验资料的细致分析,确定计算公式中的各个计算参数。

  • On the one hand the Trademark Law should emphasize the importance of trademark usage to the acquisition system of trademark right . It should add trademark usage on registration as a condition and take example by the intent to use of Lanham Act .

    一方面,《商标法》应充分注重商标使用对于商标权取得制度的意义,将商标使用作为商标注册的前提条件,并 借鉴美国《兰哈姆法》意图使用内容。

  • Take for example universa investments a tail fund advised by Nassim Taleb author of the black swan which has grown from $ 300m in 2007 to around $ 6 billion today .

    比如,从2007年至今,由《黑天鹅》(theblackswan)一书的作者 纳西姆塔勒布(nassimtaleb)做顾问的尾部基金universa投资公司的规模从3亿美元上升到了约60亿美元。

  • In view of this this essay take Lanzhou as an example analyze the problem by the respective of social classification and offer the tactics for solving the problem to consult .

    鉴于此,本文 西北中心城市兰州为 社会分层的视角分析问题存在的社会因素,为解决问题提供策略参考。

  • The third part of the case studies take the Medical School sophomore project in Shenyang City for example . By applying relate countermeasures to the actual specific cases we solved a practical problem which has great practical and instructive incense .

    第三部分案例分析, 某市医院工程为 ,将相关的解决对策 运用到实际的具体案例中,解决这一实际问题,从而具有重大的现实和指导意义。

  • It also allows those infected to take steps to prevent transmission of the disease to others for example by adopting safe sex practices .

    同时,它也使感染者有机会 采取防止将疾病传给他人的措施, 采用安全性行为等。

  • This article analyzes the current system flaw take example by original institutional settings formed some conception on Chinese trial system of the civil litigation .

    本文从审级制度设置的基本理念出发,分析现行制度的缺陷, 借鉴国外的制度设置,形成了一些改革我国民事审级制度 构思。