take in charge

[tek ɪn tʃɑrdʒ][teik in tʃɑ:dʒ]


  • Mr Weill was a serial acquirer with the ambition and the courage to take on bigger rivals but then left Mr Dimon and his team in charge of integrating and running the companies they bought .

    威尔是一名不断出击的捕猎者,心怀吞并更大竞争对手的雄心和勇气,但他 整合和运营收购来的公司的工作,留给了 戴蒙和他的团队。

  • We must take an active pare in professional activites and a good relation with professional departments in charge should be maintained .

    必须积极 参与行业活动并协调与行业 主管部门的联系。

  • Itis necessary to take into consideration the vertical compression stres and circumferential tension stress in cylindrical wall against the load during charge and discharge process and the destroy exerted from fierce wind when a metal cylindrical grain bin without prop is designed .

    在设计无支柱金属圆筒粮仓时,应 考虑简仓 粮和卸粮期间所承受之载荷对圆筒仓壁的竖直压应力和圆周拉应力以及强风载荷对简仓造成的破坏作用。

  • The government neglected its duty Take this point the government should be partly in charge of the price of housing .

    政府忽视自己的责任,(政府未能很好的履行自己的责任), 鉴于此,政府应该监管商品房的 收费

  • In general where there are no statistical agencies persons qualified to take up professional statistical posts shall be put in charge of statistics .

    不设统计机构的,一般应由具备相当统计专业职务条件的人员 担任统计 负责人。

  • It would be totally out of her power to take a share in the personal charge of the child .

    她没有能力分担 照顾这个孩子的责任。

  • When Israel sent his sons into Egypt for food he told them to take along some myrrh as a gift for the man in charge .

    以色列为了食物而把他的儿子们带入埃及的时候,他也告诉他们要 一些没药去作为礼物去送给 看管的人。

  • In the condition of socialism market economy Chinese state-owned enterprises take a very important role in the national economy . It takes charge of the lifeline of national economy and more social responsibility compared with other economic entities .

    我国国有企业 掌握着国民经济的命脉,在市场经济体制条件下,国有企业 国民经济中的主导地位更为显著, 肩负着比其它实体经济更为重要的社会责任。

  • Negotiated freight rate shall take effect 24 hours from the time the department in charge of transportation under the State Council accepts the report for record .

    协议运价自国务院交通 主管部门受理备案之时 满24小时 生效

  • The secretary will take notes of the important issues that has been discussed and will be in charge of reporting back to the whole assembly .

    而秘书人员则应就已讨论的重点问题 做好记录,还 负责对全组进行反馈。

  • I 'll take the blame for the failure of the project because I was in charge .

    我会 承担这个项目失败的责任,因为这个项目是我 负责的。

  • Methods A post of unit information secretary was set up to take in charge of the management of information .

    方法医院住院系统各单元增设 病区信息秘书岗位, 负责病区各种信息的管理。

  • The author should take in charge of copyright portraiture right and reputation right .

    作品涉及的著作权、肖像权、名誉权等法律责任均由作者 负责

  • It takes courage to take action without instructions from the person in charge .

    处于领导地位的人 没有任何指导之下就 开始行动是需要勇气的。

  • You must take control and be in charge of your destiny and day-to-day situations .

    你必须 掌握自己的命运, 掌控每天的形势。

  • Make up the sales policies in the responsible area take in charge of regional sales technical service Organize all necessary commercial and technical activities Fulfill company sales target .

    制定所负责区域的销售政策, 负责 管理本区域内销售、技术服务,组织开展所有必要的商务和技术活动,完成公司的目标销售额。

  • Take it easy ! I 'm in charge here !

    放松点!这里我 主管