take for a walk

[tek fɔr e wɔk][teik fɔ: ə wɔ:k]


  • Come and take me for a walk today and fall in love .

    快来 参加今天的 散步爱上我。

  • I always take Eddie for a walk in the evening .

    我总是在晚上 上埃迪 散步

  • I 'll take him for a long walk .

    我将 散步

  • Will you take your dog for a walk this sunday Zhang hai ?

    这个星期天你要 你的狗 散步吗,张海?

  • Student : If the sun is out I would take my dog for a walk .

    学生:如果太阳出来了,我就 遛狗

  • I shall perhaps take you for a walk this afternoon .

    我今天下午可能会 出去 散步

  • It 's your turn to take the dog for a walk .

    轮到你去 遛狗

  • Then I have to take dogs for a walk water my mum 's plants and do some shopping .

    然后,我 散步,给我妈妈的植物浇水,再去买东西。

  • Will you take the dog for a walk ?


  • I 'm sorry I got carried away . it 's not a big deal just please next time take the dog for a walk .

    对不起,刚才我有点失控了。其实,也没什么大不了的,只是下次 记得 遛狗

  • I think this is a good time to take origami for a walk .

    我想是时候 奥里格米出去溜

  • You can take pigs for a walk .

    和他们 一起 散步:你可以 散步

  • It 's your turn to take the dog for a walk don 't try to wriggle out of it .

    轮到你 出去 了&别想逃避不做。

  • One could say each day I take my swan for a walk .

    也不妨说,每天,我是 着我的天鹅 散步

  • Take him for a walk .

    出去 散步

  • Would you take him for a walk around the block ?

    可否 外出 一圈?

  • The simplest thing I do to take you for a walk in the desert for instance may very well mean my death .

    即使是我做的最简单的一件事,像是和你在沙漠中 散步,都很可能意味着我的死亡。

  • Who would like to take him for a walk ?

    谁想 出去 走走

  • Before dinner we take Laddie for a walk .

    晚饭前,我们 Laddie 散步

  • I think I 'll brave the elements and take the dog for a walk .

    我想我会顶风冒雨 出去 狗的。

  • Why don 't you take the dog for a walk ?

    你们为什么不 散步

  • Father used to take me for a walk after supper .

    父亲过去常常晚饭后 散步

  • I usually take it for a walk after dinner .

    我经常在晚饭后 散步

  • Once a day we take him for a walk in the park .

    我们一天 公园 散步一次。

  • By the time I unpack my bags it 's still early afternoon so I decide to take myself for a walk get reoriented to this town I haven 't seen in two years .

    我打开行李时还早,正午刚过,于是决定去 散步,重新熟悉两年不见的小镇,而后我得想办法找到我的药师。

  • Felicity will take the children for a walk on the beach .

    菲莉思蒂将 孩子们 海滨 散步

  • Gonna take my tree for a walk .

    我的树 散步