


v.担心( worry的过去式和过去分词)

  • I was worried that my career my children and my other half might become too much to cope with .


  • When I was single I never worried about money — it was a bit of a blind spot .

    我独身时从不 操心——这算是一种无知的表现。

  • You must be very worried by now

    你现在一定非常 担心

  • We were worried that she was going to die

    我们很 担心她快要死了。

  • I often do absent-minded things particularly when I 'm worried .

    我常做些心不在焉的事,尤其是在我 焦虑 安时。

  • His worried look disappeared .

    他的 愁容消失了。

  • He worried about her heavy drinking

    她的酗酒 感到 担忧

  • I worried for ages and decided that I had better break it to her .


  • She sounded a bit worried

    她的语气里有一点 担心

  • Why are you so late ? We were worried to death about you .

    你怎么来得这么晚,真把人 死啦!

  • I 'm worried about the test .

    这次考试 担忧

  • He seemed very worried

    他好像非常 担心

  • If I sat home and worried about all this stuff I 'd go crazy

    如果整天坐在家里 这些事情 担心,我会疯掉的。

  • He 's not the slightest bit worried .

    他一点儿也不 担心

  • I was a little nervous when I announced my engagement to Grace but I needn 't have worried

    我宣布和格雷丝订婚时有点紧张,但我本不必 担心的。

  • The unions are worried that at least 100 jobs will disappear as a result of privatization .

    工会 担心私有化至少会造成10万个工作岗位的丧失。

  • Although the car is basically sound I was worried about certain areas

    尽管这辆汽车基本状况良好,我还是 担心一些地方 不够 安全

  • If you are worried about some aspect of your child 's health call us

    如果你 担心孩子某方面的健康问题,请给我们打电话。

  • If you 're at all worried about his progress do discuss it with one of his teachers

    如果你还有一点儿 担心他的学业的话,一定要找一位教他的老师谈一谈。

  • She 's very worried about her mother 's illness .

    她总是 着母亲的病。

  • All she 's worried about is whether he is all right

    她所 担心的只是他是否安然无恙。

  • It 's obvious he 's worried about us and I 'm taking it as a compliment .

    显然他 担心我们,我把这当做一种赞美。

  • The aloof composer neither worried nor cared about public opinion .

    这位超然的作曲家对舆论既不 担心,也不在意。

  • The worried expression has disappeared from her face .

    她脸上的 愁容 消散了。

  • He was very worried but didn 't show it .

    他很 着急,但没有表露出来。

  • I have not worried so much this year partly because I have had other things to think about

    今年我不太 担心,在某种程度上是因为我有别的事情要考虑。

  • He was worried sick about what our mothers would say .

    对于我们双方的母亲会说什么他十分 担心

  • I became a distraught worried mother a useless role if ever there was one

    我变成了一个 忧心如焚的母亲,一个全无用处的角色。