take account of

[tek əˈkaʊnt ʌv][teik əˈkaunt ɔv]


  • One way would be to take account of the global economic dimension of the crisis hitting the financial sector .

    要做到这一点,方式之一是从全球经济的角度来 考虑这场冲击金融业的危机。

  • Youngsters should take account of their own talent and interest before choosing professions .

    在选择职业之前,年轻人们必须 充分 考虑他们的才能与兴趣。

  • Any assessment of the durability of their growth should take account of timing .

    对其增长持久性的任何评估都应该 考虑时机。

  • For the sake of balance I felt obliged to take account of that in how I wrote .

    出于权衡的缘故,我感觉有责任在写作时 考虑此情况。

  • Urban planners in practice have to take account of many interest groups in society .

    城市规划人员在实际工作中必须 社会各利益集团都 考虑 在内

  • In developing a design we must take account of many factors .

    在进行设计的时间,咱们必 需要 考虑许多因素。

  • The essence of consultation is to listen to and take account of the views of those consulted .

    当顾问的精髓就在于倾听并 考虑咨询者的观点。

  • We should ensure that we do not fail to identify and take account of significant audit problems by accepting client explanations without evaluation or verification .

    我们应该保证,不能未经评估和证实就接受了客户的解释而未能发现和 重视一项重要的审计问题。

  • It was permissible to take account of antecedent legislation .

    允许 考虑先前的法律。

  • And we suggest that the process of establishing portfolio management governance take account of these key concepts .

    而我们建议建立项目组合管理治理的过程 考虑这些关键概念。

  • If governments want growth they have to take account of the needs of the business community .

    如果各级政府希望经济增长,他们必须 考虑商界的需要。

  • We must take account of the interests of the state the collective and the individual .

    我们要 兼顾国家,集体和个人的利益。

  • The conflict of the indexes was introduced to take account of the correlation between indexes .

    改进算法引入指标间冲突性概念, 考虑指标间相关性 客观权重确定的影响。

  • But that does not take account of the coincidence between the results of the separate experiments .

    但这并没有 考虑几个分离实验结果的吻合。

  • The professional education of social work should take account of both reality and future .

    社会工作专业教育, 应该 适应现实性与未来 两个方面。

  • Monitor the internal and external audit process to take account of any meaningful changes to hkac 's business plans or directions .

    监视内部和外部审计流程, 考虑 任何对香港航空资本业务计划或方向有意义的变化。

  • In both cases the arbitrators shall take account of the terms of the contract and trade usages .

    在上述两种情况下,仲裁员均应 考虑 合同条款和商业惯例。

  • China should take account of introducing it .

    我国应当 考虑引入金融机构即时矫正制度。

  • The teachers promised to take account of the wishes of the parents before making any changes .

    教师答应在作出更改前 考虑家长的愿望。

  • We should draw up a new policy which must take account of the changed market environment .

    我们需要制定一个新政策,该政策必须 考虑 变化着的市场环境。

  • That wrong economic theory fails to take account of how the animal spirits affect economic behaviour .

    这一错误的经济理论没有 考虑 动物精神是如何影响经济行为的。

  • In order to understand scientific growth we must take account of the social and cultural influence .

    为了了解科学的发展过程,我们必须 考虑社会和文化的影响。

  • One way to take account of situations where the benefits and costs do not occur at the same time is to use discounting .

    解决收益和成本不同时 发生的一个方法是使用贴现率率。

  • In particular it must take account of the situation in developing countries : scarce resources intense medical need and competing alternatives for investment and research focus .

    特别的,必须 考虑发展中国家的情形:稀缺的资源、刚性的医疗需求和互相竞争的争取投资和研究重点的研究方案。

  • Where economics comes unstuck is when it doesn 't take account of the anticipated actions of human beings

    经济学若无视人的预期行动的 ,注定是 行不通的。

  • We should take account of the cost of the project .

    我们应该 考虑这个项目的费用。

  • When choosing a site take account of existing vegetation for windbreaks shading and views .

    选择地点的时候,对 现时存在的植被防风墙遮阳和视野等方面进行 一下估算。

  • Instead they should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances times and places .

    相发,它 应该 结合环境、时期和地点的不同而灵活变通。

  • In developing a design one has to take account of many factors .

    进行设计时,要 考虑许多因素。

  • A better method is to use purchasing-power parities ( PPP ) which take account of price differences .

    一种更好的方法是以购买力平价(PPP)计算,它 考虑 了价格差异。