take chances


  • Once you 've got the perimeter established it 's easier to see what you need and you can take chances waiting to find the perfect finishing pieces such as wilder splashes of color and pattern .

    一旦你建立了外围,就更容易看到您需要,您可以 采取 机会,等待发现完美的句号,如颜色和图案的广泛的飞溅。

  • Take Chances – No one ever won by sitting in their comfort zone . You have to get up and get out .

    把握 机会:没有人在舒适的生活中获胜。

  • Go places . Try new things . Follow your curiosities and passions . Take chances .

    去旅游、尝试新事物、追随你的好奇心和激情、 冒险

  • Our lives improve only when we take chances and the first and most difficult chance we can take is to be honest with ourselves .

    只有当我们 愿意 抓住 机会的时候,我们的生活才能变得更好。而我们要抓住的第一个,也是最难抓住的一个机会就是诚实地对待自己。

  • I believe you have to take chances in life .


  • We should study on market environment constantly and promote the industry reform to improve the competition of the companies and take chances to make greater development .

    我们应该不断研究市场环境,积极推进行业改革和管理创新,提高企业的核心竞争力, 抓住 机遇,寻求更大的发展。

  • Young puppies like to take chances with cancer .

    年轻的癌症患者喜欢 碰碰 运气

  • He feels confident delegating even the most challenging projects to his enthusiastic reports he says because they are more willing to take chances .

    他说,对于那些满怀工作热情的下属,即便把最难的项目交给他们他也会很放心,因为这样的员工更愿意 各种 尝试

  • We mustn 't take chances we 'd better play safe .

    我们不能 冒险,我们最好来稳当的。

  • This cadet 's father 's known to take chances .

    学生的爸爸 冒险知名。

  • However it 's not a good idea to take chances .

    然而,这不是一个好主意, 采取 机会

  • A mountain climber can 't afford to take chances with inferior equipment .

    一个爬山运动员不能用较劣的装备 冒险 运气

  • Build self-confidence . This allows you to take chances without approval from others and be receptive to constructive criticism .

    自信.这使你在没有别人批准的情况下 抓住许多 机会.乐于接受建设性的批评建议。

  • It makes you more willing to take chances when the only risk is to your pride .

    当唯一的风险是你的自尊时,你会更愿意 冒险

  • Dennis was not a man to take chances .

    丹尼斯不是个敢 风险的人。

  • You 'll be eager to try new things however you must not take chances that could affect your health .

    渴望新的感情,但不必 冒险 ,这只会影响你的健康;

  • Your eyesight is too important to take chances .

    你的视力非常, 侥幸 心理

  • Learn From Your Mistakes Take chances make decisions even make mistakes sometimes .

    从错误中学习: 把握 机会,做好决定,甚至时不时的犯错。

  • ' Of course we can 't afford to take chances ' agreed Winston dutifully .

    当然啦,我们不能 侥幸 心理,温斯顿顺从地同意。

  • Protect yourself this is not the time to take chances with your health .

    再好好 考虑一下 ,你需要的是一个与你 志趣 相投 伴侣

  • They created an environment that encouraged citizens to take chances and start new ventures .

    他们制造了一个良好的创事业情况,鼓励各人 把握创事业 机会

  • You gotta take chances for things you care about .

    你为你所关心的东西总得 碰碰 运气

  • You better take chances at your age .

    在你这个年龄最好 冒险

  • Flush with success director Danny Boyle and producer Christian Colson said they hoped the big win would convince studios to continue to take chances on smaller films .

    导演丹尼-博伊尔和监制斯蒂安-科尔森难以掩饰成功后的喜悦,他们也希望这次的重大胜利能够给制片厂以信心, 那些小电影 更多 机会

  • Obviously with New York looming you don 't want to take chances .

    当然应为美网即将到来,你不想 得到 任何 自己弄伤的 机会

  • It 's chemistry . I prefer to take chances .

    要你情我愿,我宁愿 等待 机会

  • If you do not take chances you will never succeed .

    如果你不 冒险,你决不会成功。

  • As we learnt in the last show you have to take chances for the things you care about .

    有的时候,为你你关心的人或者是事情,你不得不 冒险

  • He doesn 't take chances ; that 's why he 's survived and most of his imitators haven 't.

    他不 冒险:这就是为什么他得以幸存,而他的大部分仿效者却没有。