take earth

[tek ɚθ][teik ə:θ]


  • No humans are traveling aboard the Dragon but six astronauts are already at the $ 100-billion space lab to help the capsule latch on to unload supplies and then restock the capsule with cargo to take back to Earth .

    没有人乘坐龙飞船出行,但造价达1000亿美元的太空实验室中已经有六名宇航员,他们会帮忙接收飞船、卸下供给物,并将 带回 地球的东西装进太空船。

  • And I also think that they don 't take into account real earth changes .

    我也认为,他们没有 考虑过真正的 地球变化。

  • Satellites are used more and more to take photos of the earth and to produce maps .

    卫星越来越多地被用于给 地球 拍摄照片和绘制地图。

  • We should cherish and take good care of mother Earth .

    我们要共同珍惜和 爱护 地球 家园

  • They collected some rock samples to take back to Earth for further research .

    他们搜集了所有的岩石样本, 带回 地球作进一步的研究。

  • Enlightenment can take root anywhere on earth as long as the seeker is an open and ready vessel for higher consciousness .

    一旦这位搜寻者准备好迎接这些启示,并 着开放的心态,智慧可以在 地球的任何一个角落 生根

  • Let 's take the earth it 's pretty big okay let 's shrink it down to about the size of a football that is a factor of100 million .

    让我们 地球作比例, 地球很大,让我们把它缩小到一个足球那么大,那就是缩小1亿倍。

  • Please take this benefit your earth of human society in small things .

    请您 一下这件造福于你们 地球人类社会的小事吧。

  • Their mouths lay claim to heaven and their tongues take possession of the earth .

    他们的口亵渎上天,他们的舌 毁谤

  • How Long does it take for the earth to go around the sun ?

    地球绕太阳一周 多长时间?

  • They think the lizards will take over the earth again .

    他们以为壁虎 再次统治 地球

  • I take hard earth and make things bloom .

    我努力 耕耘,让花朵开放。

  • How long does it take to get from the earth to the Mars by spaceship ?

    乘坐宇宙飞般从 地理到火星 多长时间?

  • They collected more than thirty kilograms of rock and soil to take back to Earth .

    他们收集了超过30公斤的岩石和土壤 带回 地球

  • Volcanoes on Mars suggest to Sam that the same kinds of processes that take place on Earth happen on other worlds .

    火星上的火山对山姆来说就象 地球 的一样而不是在另一个世界里。

  • Only when we all realize the importance of environmental protection can we take good care of our earth .

    只有当我们全部了解环保的重要性的时候我们才能 好好照顾我们的 地球

  • You not only perform your duties for your family or country you also take care of mother earth .

    你不仅在家庭或国家中承担了你的职责,你还 照顾 我们 地球母亲。

  • Hummingbird : My grandmother has told me many times that I need to take care of Mother Earth .

    我的祖母曾经告诉我许多次我需要 照顾 大地

  • Buff was asleep . I told the spaceship to take us to New Earth the planet of the Star Council . I wasn 't going back to my parents . I wanted to go to the top people .

    我吩咐飞船 我们去新 地球&星际理事会所在的行星。我不打算回我父母那儿。我要直接去见上层人物。

  • Take good care of the earth and children for whose health is the future !

    关心 地球 生态,关心孩子的健康和教育,就是关心我们共同的未来!

  • Let 's take the Earth going around the sun and let 's approximate the orbit by a circle .

    假设 地球绕这太阳转,的轨道是个圆圈。

  • If you take the Earth itself around the sun because we can use all these equations replace the mass of the Earth by the mass of the sun and then we can do this for planets .

    如果 地球绕太阳,因为我们用所有这些,等式,以太阳质量,代替地球质量,然后我们再用行星做。

  • Take some pictures of the earth .

    地球 些照片。

  • So if we take the Earth around the sun then we have to put in the mass of the sun which is about two times ten to the30 kilograms .

    如果算 地球绕太阳,那就 放入太阳质量,大约是2乘以10,对30千克。

  • This time of adjustment will take place when Mother Earth restores your former surface home .

    在这个调整期,会有很多变化 发生在你们现在地表的 家园

  • They collected many rock samples to take back to Earth for further research .

    他们采集了许多岩石标本, 带回 地球作进一步研究。

  • One can calculate how long it would take for the earth to stop as a result of this resistance .

    人们可以算出,作为这种阻力的结果, 地球需要 多长时间才会停下来。

  • Created a rational enlightenment and enlightenment sign of success lies with the primordial alienation alienation and makes us such a natural opposition to humans began to embark on the road of self to take over the Earth .

    理性造就了启蒙,而启蒙成功的标志在于与源始的疏远,这种疏远使得我们与自然对立起来,人类开始踏上自我 接管 地球的道路。

  • If we take care of the earth it will last a long time .

    只要我们 爱护 地球地球就活得很久。