take liberties with


  • He likes to take liberties with the interpretation of the law .

    他喜欢对法律 随心所欲的解释。

  • If you take any more liberties with my wife you will never be invited to my house again .

    如果你 我妻子 嬉皮笑脸,以后就再不请你到我家来了。

  • Don 't take liberties with a stranger .

    陌生的人 无礼

  • How dare you take liberties with my daughter ?

    竟敢 我女儿 失礼

  • The compiler is actually free to take some liberties with the program order within a thread as long as as-if-serial semantics are preserved .

    编译器实际上对在线程中 使用程序顺序是可以有一些 自由的&只要保留了 as-if-serial语义。

  • More singers especially young ones take a lot of liberties with traditional holiday music and infuse lots of their personalities into the classic songs Caulfield said .

    考菲尔德表示:越来越多的歌手,尤其是年轻歌手, 随心所欲 演绎 传统节日歌曲,并为这些经典曲目注入个人魅力。

  • Don 't try to take liberties with her .

    你别 想吃豆腐

  • If ever ever he should be so ill bred as to try to take any liberties with her she would show him .

    只要他一旦粗野到对她 放肆起来,她就要给他点 颜色看看。

  • You must be careful not to take liberties with old people .

    你应 注意不要对老人 无礼