take it out in

[tek ɪt aʊt ɪn][teik it aut in]


  • Yep and we 're gonna take it out in style .

    对,可我们 得善死 善终

  • Then you can take that sensation and spread it out connecting it with other sensations of solidity in the body .

    接著,你可以 那个感受,传播 开去,与 体内其它地方的坚硬感连接起来。

  • You can use your phone we want you to take it out in our store she said .

    她说:你可以使用你的手机,我们希望你 掏出手机。

  • If you take the time to type it out the top link written in red crayon will take you to a remote controlled car .

    如果你 时间将信开头 红色蜡笔写 出来的链接地址输入电脑,你会发现这是一台遥控玩具车的链接地址。

  • When you take the meat from the freezer now it will be thawed out in time for supper .

    现在从冷冻库把肉 出来晚餐前可以解冻。

  • Take Beijing for example . It should not be difficult to find out the exact number of criminal gangs in Beijing and who belongs to them .

    比如 北京 ,流氓犯罪集团到底有多少,有哪些人,是 难搞 清楚的。

  • The boss couldn 't pay me ten thousand dollars he owed me but let me take it out in his car .

    老板没付欠我的一万元, 而是 他的汽车作为抵偿。

  • I do not dare invite you earnestly to come to Concord because I know too well that the berries are not thick in my fields and we should have to take it out in viewing the landscape .

    我不敢很热切地邀请你来康考德,因为太明白我那地里的浆果还没有熟,而且我们本应该 摘除 为的是 风景。

  • I allowed the tide to carry my sadness out with it . Take it out to sea for it serves no purpose in my life .

    我任由巨浪 带走我的悲伤, 送到大海中去。因为它 对于我的生命来说再没什么意义了。

  • When the chicken has cooked through take it out of the pan and pour off all but a couple of tablespoons of the fat in the pan and make a quick gravy .

    鸡肉熟透之后,从锅中 取出的肥油倒掉一些,只留几汤匙,用 快速做个肉汁。

  • The police were delayed by the absence of information about the crime . The new law will not take effect as planned as it was talked out in the last meeting of the House .

    警方因未掌握犯罪情报而延搁了行动。新的议案没 如期生效,因为 议院的上一次会议上 由于讨论 拖延被搁置了。

  • Then take it out and put it in cold boiled water then take it out .

    煮熟的面 捞出,过冷水,沥干。(不过冷水的的话可以放一点油拌一下)

  • I kept the little mirror and as I grew up I would take it out in idle moments and continue the challenge of thr game .

    成长的过程 ,我保留着这面小镜子;空闲的时候,我还会 出来,继续这种富于挑战的游戏。

  • Take it out to sea for it serves no purpose in my life .

    因为 对于我的生命 来说再没什么意义了。

  • If you have a CPU tower take it apart so you can vacuum out all the dust and pet hair that might have accumulated in there .

    如果你使用的是立式主机, 记得 主机 拆开,这样可以使用吸尘器 整理里面堆积的灰尘和宠物毛发。

  • But that will take time as IT teams rush to work out which systems need updating and Shellshock may be one of many vulnerabilities in the basic architecture of the internet .

    不过这么做需要 上一段时间,因为 IT团队必须赶紧分析 哪些系统需要更新,而且Shellshock漏洞可能只是互联网基础设施的诸多漏洞之一。

  • I owe you $ 5 – can I take it out in food and drinks ?

    我欠你5美元,我 能否 食物和饮料来偿还你?

  • From establishing the theory of political conduct civilization it analyzes that political groups organize and mobilize its representative organizations to take part in political activity in personal capacity or in-group capacity . It points out political groups take part in Chinese political civilization practice orderly through many ways .

    从确立政治行为文明理论入手,分析了政治团体组织动员所代表的群体 个体的身份和 团体的身份进行政治参与的情况, 指出政治团体通过多种途径有序地参与我 的政治文明实践。

  • The objective of this article is to take a real-world business example and analyze it against the concepts laid out in our earlier articles .

    本文的目的是 讲述一个真实的业务示例并针对我们 前几篇文章 列出的概念来分析

  • The new law will not take effect as planned as it was talked out in the last meeting of the House .

    新的议案没 如期生效,因为 议院的上一次会议上 由于讨论 拖延被搁置了。

  • The shopkeeper could not find enough change for me so he let me take it out in more cigars .

    店主没有足够的零钱找给我,他 多给了我一些雪茄烟作抵充。

  • You take it out we put more in .

    拿走 它们,我们再放钱 进去