take advantage of

[tek ædˈvæntɪdʒ ʌv][teik ədˈvɑ:ntidʒ ɔv]



  • Take advantage of this development environment design and realization of a simple file transfer protocol .


  • Take advantage of these excellent resources while you learn about the BeagleBoard-xM and your chosen operating system .

    在您学习BeagleBoard-xM和您所选择的操作系统时, 可以 利用这些优越的资源。

  • Take advantage of developer resources technical support and marketing benefits .


  • We hope that you can take advantage of our offer of this time .

    我们希望贵公司能 利用我们的这次发盘。

  • He 's joining the club in order to take advantage of the others .

    他入会是来 揩油的。

  • Studios are rushing out monster movies to take advantage of our new-found enthusiasm for dinosaurs .

    电影公司 着刚刚兴起的恐龙热正忙着 赶拍怪兽电影。

  • Here we take advantage of Clojure 's support for multi-line strings .

    这里,我们 利用了Clojure对多行字符串的支持。

  • Lotus Notes and Domino V8 also offer new ways of working that take advantage of technology and innovation .

    LotusNotes和DominoV8还提供了 利用技术和改进的新工作方式。

  • Take advantage of the opportunities coming your way in a couple of months

    把握住这几个月之内你可能 获得的机会。

  • Stop trying to take advantage of me !

    别老想 我的 便宜

  • You can take advantage of this for your mobile applications .

    您可以 这一 优势用于您的移动应用程序。

  • It is surprising that it has taken people so long to take advantage of what is a win-win opportunity .

    真奇怪,人们居然用了这么长 时间把握 一个万无一失的机会。

  • We clapped on more sail to take advantage of the fresh wind .

    我们 利用那股强风, 篷帆张得更足。

  • Industrialists must move fast to take advantage of new opportunities in Eastern Europe .

    实业家们必须尽快 采取行动, 抓住东欧的新机遇。

  • Then you can enhance the modules to take advantage of the OSGi benefits ( see below ) .

    然后你就可以 利用OSGi的优势对模块进行增强了(见下文)。

  • It 's the characteristic of photosan we take advantage of .

    这正好是 利用了光敏剂的特性。

  • This has created an environment in which it is very easy to take advantage of hopeful students and parents .

    这样就创造了一个环境,在这样的环境里满怀希望的家长和学生很容易被 利用

  • I want to take advantage of your lifetime of scholarship .

    我希望 能够 用到您一生的学识。

  • Very few people have the money to take advantage of this consumer paradise .

    没多少人有钱 享受这个购物天堂。

  • As an employee you can take advantage of this by making your evaluation easier for your manager .

    作为员工,你可以 利用这一点让你的经理更容易对你评估。

  • Don 't miss the bus ! take advantage of our free offer now !

    别失去机会! 利用我们现在免费提供的帮助。

  • Don 't take advantage of a nice person when you see one .

    瞧谁老实 欺负谁。

  • It 's no surprise that corporations and service providers would want to take advantage of this cost-saving method .

    各公司和服务供应商要 利用这种节省成本的方法是不足为奇的。

  • Do you take advantage of caching ?


  • Again differences between people and the opportunity for natural selection to take advantage of it have diminished .

    人与人之间的差异和 利用差异进行自然选择的机会再一次失去。

  • We can take advantage of new technology more quickly by farming out computer operations

    把计算机业务分包出去,我们 可以更快地 利用新技术。

  • I guess they 're going to take advantage of me .

    我猜想他们是要 利用我了。

  • You may wish to take advantage of our instructional session .

    你应该 充分 利用我们的教学课程。

  • For storage and I / O Linux can take advantage of a variety of real and virtual devices .

    对于存储器和I/O,Linux可以 利用多种真实设备和虚拟设备。