take much count of

[tek mʌtʃ kaʊnt ʌv][teik mʌtʃ kaunt ɔv]


  • The structure design is the foundation of electromagnetism calculation control system 's design and other analysis so we should take much count of the virtual design of magnetic bearings ' structure .

    结构设计作为电磁计算、控制系统设计和相关分析的基础,我们 更有必要 磁力轴承结构虚拟设计进行 深入研究。

  • Along with the new curriculum reform of Chinese is being continuous impelled more and more teachers who teach Chinese take much count of the function of aesthetic education of Chinese the rich esthetic education factor in the classic poetry teaching becomes an important way in Chinese teaching .

    随着语文新课程改革的不断推进,语文的美育功能越来越受到广大语文教育工作者的 重视,古典诗词教学以其所蕴涵的丰富的美育因素成为语文教学中对学生进行美育的重要途径。

  • According to the important significance of real estate 's registration system law theories and justices take much count of the studies of real estate 's registration system .

    基于房地产登记制度的重大意义,世界各国的法学理论界和司法 实务 重视对房地产登记制度的研究。