


  • This is tantamount to refusing to carry out orders .


  • Because love him is tantamount to love yourself love because he has become more gentle themselves .

    因为爱他 等于爱着你自己,爱着因为他而变得更加温柔的自己。

  • His silence was tantamount to a refusal .

    他的沉默就 等于拒绝。

  • Should a tragedy occur it would be tantamount to murder .

    如果发生悲剧,那和 谋杀是一样的。

  • To neglect or forget aspects of the past is tantamount to rewriting history and anyone who has read Animal Farm knows where that can lead .

    忽视或忘记过去 无异 篡改历史,凡是读过《动物农场》的人都知道那会导致什么后果。

  • Your proposal is tantamount to calling Off the general strike !

    你这 主张就是取消了总罢工!

  • What the child says is tantamount to the command for her parents .

    小孩所说的对她父母来说 如同命令 一般

  • A wish that was equivalent to a command ; his statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt .

    与命令相等的请求;他的陈述 等于承认了罪行。

  • The withdrawal of his statement is tantamount to an apology .

    他撤回声明 无异 表示歉意。

  • His statement was tantamount to an admission of responsibility .

    他的声明 等于承认负有责任。

  • For most people an extremely exorbitant tax rate is tantamount to death .

    对大多数人来讲,极高的税率 无异 死亡。

  • His stubborn refusal of the operation despite being warned of the consequences is tantamount to manslaughter .

    在被 明白地告知不做手术的严重后果的情况下还坚持不用手术的方法来挽救他妻子生命,这一行为说它是 故意杀人一点也不为过。

  • If he resigned it would be tantamount to admitting that he was guilty .

    他若辞职就 等于承认自己有错。

  • Her statement is tantamount to a confession of guilt .

    她的供述等 认罪。

  • Failure to achieve decisive successes in our four modernizations during the1980s would be tantamount to a setback .

    如果四个现代化不在八十年代做出决定性的成绩,那它 等于遭到了挫折。

  • Can seize the opportunity is tantamount to grab the success of the tail again effort upwardly !

    能够抓住机遇 等于抓住成功的尾巴,再努力向上!

  • To question or disobey the law is tantamount to destroying the authority of the law .

    质疑或违抗法律, 等同 摧毁法律的权威。

  • What Bracey is saying is tantamount to heresy


  • Such metastatic cancers were once tantamount to an immediate death sentence .

    报道,这种转移性癌症曾经 等同 一个立即死亡判决。

  • Such an explanation is tantamount to a confession .

    这样一种解释 等于一篇自白。

  • His answer was tantamount to an insult .

    他的回答 等于侮辱。

  • They have now abandoned their former policy which is tantamount to admitting that it was wrong .

    他们现在放弃了他们以前的政策,这 等于承认那政策是错的。

  • Is the Vat Bajay Monastery tantamount to a teachers'college ?

    那这总佛寺不 相当于师范学院了嘛。

  • Procedures or the absence of procedure might delay settlement and that would be tantamount to justice ill-served .

    各项程序或缺乏程序均可能延误事情的解决,而这 相当 有失公义。

  • Inflation is also tantamount to generational theft .

    通胀还 无异 隔代偷窃。

  • It is tantamount to saying : Im not very important or very popular .

    等于 在说:我既不是很重要,也不是很受欢迎。

  • His explanation was tantamount to a confession .

    他的说明 等于是一篇自白。

  • Fox makes clear that this was tantamount to the founder of efficient markets admitting his theory was wrong and quotes the judgment of one critic : The Pope said God was dead .

    福克斯指出,这 无异 有效市场 假说的创始人承认他的理论是错的,并引用了一位批评家的话:教皇说上帝已经死了。

  • It is tantamount to a complete personality transplant for the infected cell .

    相当 将特性完整植入被感染的细胞。