


  • Hi mom cool please . I just took an extra teabag it 's not like I 'm a klepto or anything .

    妈妈,冷静点。我只是多拿了一 ,这可不能说我就是偷盗成性的那种人。

  • But legalised corruption aside the calibre of the teabag party Republican candidates are just plain scary .

    除了合法的腐败之外,“ 党”共和党候选人的水准真是很吓人。

  • Kinematic Simulation of Shaping Molds of Pyramid Shaped Teabag Packaging Machine Based on UG

    基于UG的三棱锥 包装机成型模具运动仿真

  • Nowadays however in the average suburban home afternoon tea is likely to be just a biscuit or small cake and a mug oftea usually produced using a teabag .

    然而在如今,在大多数郊区居民的家中,下午茶更趋向于是简简单单的一块饼干,一小块蛋糕,以及一大杯由 茶包冲泡的

  • Research of Compound Teabag Pharmacodynamic study for the intestine-moistening of the teabag

    复方保健 袋泡茶的研制润肠 袋泡茶药效学研究

  • Marianne got a couple of mugs from the dresser and popped a teabag into each of them

    玛丽安娜从碗橱拿了几个杯子,在每个 杯中 迅速 放入 茶包

  • I took it as a sign and left it out of the teabag box list .

    我把它当作一个标记拿出了 盒。

  • Effect of Qualities of Novelty Teabag Comparison of Green-tea

    宁波绿茶配比对新颖 袋泡茶品质的影响

  • In the cooling effect of time and symptoms are better than western medicine group . 2 Weng Hua teabag on the wind-heat of the evil caused by sore throat thirst symptoms better than the evil caused by the wet body weight of fatigue .

    在退热时间及症状改善效果方面均优于西药对照组。2、翁花 袋泡茶对风热之邪导致的咽痛、口渴症状改善效果优于湿邪导致的身重乏力症状。

  • It is ready take the kettle with boiling water and pour the water into the cup then we stir then you take the teabag and press it against the side of the cup and remove the eabag * . remove teabag .

    水开了,拿过来水壶把开水倒入杯中,然后搅拌,并向茶杯边上按压茶袋,然后把 拿走,扔掉。

  • Applicability Improvement of Measuring System on Teabag Packing Machine


  • But in the average home afternoon tea is likely to be much simpler ― biscuits with a mug of tea usually produced using a teabag .

    但在寻常人家,下午茶往往就简单得多了&用马克杯冲泡一个 茶包 块饼干就可以了。

  • Golden Dragon Chinese medicine bag to prevent and treat physiological jaundice of newborn Determination of Peoniflorin in Bazhen ( Eight Ingredients ) Teabag by HPLC

    金龙中药袋泡剂防治新生儿生理性黄疸的体会HPLC法测定八珍 袋泡茶中芍药苷的含量

  • Now and Future of homemade teabag packing machine

    国产 茶叶包装机的现状与发展

  • Study on the proportion of Eucommia ulmoides mixed teabag

    杜仲复合 袋泡茶配比研究

  • Take the mug remove the spoon and inset one teabag into the mug If you wish to have the sugar in your tea inset the sugar at this point .

    拿过来茶杯,把茶匙拿开,放进去一个 。如果你想加糖那么这时就可放糖。

  • Effects of Gypenoside Contents on Quality of Novel Teabag

    绞股蓝含量对新颖 袋泡茶品质的影响