


  • A. Ten one to do it and the rest to dance around play the tambourine chant and sing .

    回答:10位。1位去安装;其它人在周围跳舞、 打鼓唱、和唱歌。

  • Small hand drum similar to a tambourine formerly carried by itinerant jugglers .

    由流浪艺人携带的 形状 以前的小 手鼓的一种 手鼓

  • It had a tambourine in its hand .

    它的手上拿着一个 铃鼓

  • Between his tambourine stuck on the wall .

    出现在&他 在墙上的 手鼓

  • Sell all kinds of high middle and low snare drum Yangko drum drum awe-inspiring drum book drum percussions bongos tambourine drums made to order special drum class maintenance .

    上百种鼓类批发、零售:各种高中低档军鼓,秧歌大鼓、腰鼓、威风锣鼓书鼓、堂鼓、手鼓、 铃鼓、特殊鼓类定做、鼓类维修。

  • Someone can use the tambourine .

    可以用 铃鼓 节奏

  • The maenad on the right is playing a tambourine .

    而神像右边的女祭司正演奏著 手鼓

  • Percussion instrument ( eg drum tambourine xylophone )

    打击乐器(如鼓、 铃鼓、木琴)。

  • Accompanied by tambourine ( a kind of plucked musical instrument ) the dance mainly depicts the horse movement and can be expanded freely .

    是以 蒙古 乐器“ ”(弹拨乐器)伴奏,以表现马为主、又可自由发挥的舞蹈形式。

  • Other Maltese music is folk music with emphasis on guitar and tambourine ; instrumental music is called daqqaqa .

    其它的马耳他音乐有以吉他和 手鼓为主的民族音乐;器乐被叫做。

  • Beautifully dressed women in jingly bracelets are clapping and dancing and attempting to tambourine with their whole bodies .

    衣着华美、手环 叮当响的女子拍着手,整个身子随鼓声起舞。

  • Exciting Tambourine and Latin dance performance to heat up the night !

    令人兴奋的 手鼓与拉丁舞演出点燃 情人 夜晚!

  • If not for your noisy Tambourine I would not have seen you .

    如果不是你的喧闹 铃鼓,我没有看到你。

  • Tambourine is an instrument consisting of a small drumhead with jingling disks .
