




  • Just remember other users can tamper with this file .

    请注意,其他用户可以 篡改此文件。

  • Tamper evident : Do not use if foil blister pack is broken .


  • With the advent of high-quality digital cameras and sophisticated video editing software it is becoming increasingly easier to tamper digital video .

    随着高质量的数字摄像机和 功能复杂的视频编辑软件的出现,对视频进行 恶意 篡改已变得越来越容易;

  • The seal on the ballot box have is tamper with .

    投票箱上的封闭物已被 损坏

  • It 's Singapore 's operation specialize in tamper proof fastening speciality material fastening to meet specific industry requirements applications .

    其业务主要是专注于生产 销售 梅花 梅花针槽紧固件 特殊材质紧固件,以符合特殊工业要求及应用。

  • New algorithm for image tamper detect and self-recovery

    一种新的图像 窜改检测与自恢复算法

  • Handled securely it also thwarts potential attackers who may attempt to intercept and tamper with the upgrade .

    这种机制不仅具有安全的处理方式,还可阻止试图截获并 篡改升级的潜在攻击者。

  • The Pentagon is increasingly having to rely on non-US companies for software and microelectronics which raises the potential for foreign governments to tamper with critical technology .

    在软件和微电子产品方面,五角大楼现在越来越依赖于非美国公司,这提高了外国政府 参与关键技术的可能性。

  • Transport security ensures that no one can tamper with the data being sent to a client or data received from a client .

    传输安全确保了没有人可以 篡改 服务端发到客户端或者从客户端接收的数据。

  • To improve the security against the counterfeiting attack this paper proposes a secure dual watermark scheme for image tamper detection and recovery .

    为提高可恢复双水印算法抵抗伪造攻击的能力,提出一种用于图像 篡改检测和恢复的安全双水印算法。

  • Many laminated documents are waterproof tear proof and tamper proof .

    许多夹层文件防水,抗撕裂证明,和 篡改

  • As usual he spent a lot of time sitting on the cage with a tamper proof latch .

    和往常一样他花很多的时间坐在那个有 全铨的笼子上。

  • This paper surveys various tamper or attack techniques and explains how they can be used to undermine or weak security functions in embedded systems .

    本文 概观了各种攻击技术,并阐述了它们是怎样削弱嵌入式系统的安全功能。

  • Tamper detection has become an important component of digital image forensics and multimedia security .


  • I don 't want to be accused of tampering with the evidence

    我不希望被人控告 篡改证据。

  • All financial transactions must provide traceability and tamper proof mechanisms for mandatory audit records . ( Sarbanes Oxley )

    所有金融交易必须为强制审计记录提供可跟踪性和 篡改机制(SarbanesOxley)

  • Don 't let an untrained person tamper with the electrical circuits .

    别让未经训练的人去 摆弄电路。

  • It also features built-in tamper detection to prevent data from being extracted .

    它还具有内置的 篡改检测来防止数据被提取。

  • A comprehensive overview of current watermarking techniques for tamper detection and authentication of digital images is presented .

    数字水印技术的发展为 解决图像认证和完整性保护问题提供了新的思路。

  • Similarly one can tamper with the actual response from a legitimate query .

    类似地,可以 篡改来自合法查询的实际响应。

  • Beyond inspection and analysis Fiddler also offers the ability to set breakpoints and tamper with data in requests and responses especially useful for security and input sanitation testing .

    除了数据监察和统计分析,Fiddler也支持设置断点, 修改请求和响应的数据。这一点在安全性和数据正确性的测试上非常有用。

  • Each participant or team will have to use the same amount of tobacco a similar pipe and tamper .

    每位参赛者或每队参赛队,均使用相同重量之烟草及 形制类似之斗

  • To use the extension select Tools > Tamper Data to open the Ongoing requests window .

    使用这个扩展的方法是,选择 Tools>TamperData来打开Ongoingrequests窗口。

  • A Semi-fragile Digital Watermarking Algorithm for Image Tamper Localization and Recovery

    用于图像 篡改定位和恢复的半脆弱水印算法

  • Access-control systems need stronger tamper protections and a way to encrypt transmissions Franken said .

    出入控制系统需要强有力的 干预和保护方式加密传输,弗兰肯说。

  • When a server and client communicate TLS ensures that no third party may eavesdrop or tamper with any message .

    当服务器和客户机进行通信时,TLS确保第三方无法窃取或 篡改任何消息。

  • A Method of Data Tamper Locating and Recovery by Using Digital Fingerprint and Cryptograph

    基于指纹密文的数据 篡改定位与恢复方法

  • He found his computer had been tampered with .

    他发现他的电脑 手脚

  • Sorry I didn 't mean to lose my tamper . I just can 't stand being misunderstood .

    对不起,我并没有存心要发 脾气,我只是受不了别人的误解和冤枉。