
[ˈtaʊˌɪzəm, ˈdaʊ-][ˈdaʊɪzəm]


  • But after Taoism and Bud-dhism thrived they also assimilated many local ancient dances into their religious activities .


  • The spirit of tolerance originated from Chinese traditional culture with Confucianism and Taoism as its main body .

    包容精神来自以儒、 思想为主体的中国传统文化。

  • As the emblem of Taoism the Taiji symbol plays an important role in Chinese culture .

    作为 道教的象征,太极的标志在中国文化中产生了深远的影响。

  • China-Japan tea culture has been seeped through with three schools of thought & Confucianism Taoism and Buddhism .

    中日茶文化都渗透了 儒道释三家思想。

  • In the charming classical aesthetics in China what affects us most is both Confucians and Taoism .

    在中国古典美学史上,对后世影响最大的美学派别是儒家美学和 道家美学。

  • This is the ancient origins of the rise of Buddhism and Taoism in the pre-existing folk activities .

    这是源流古者在 佛道 兴起前就有的民俗活动。

  • His poetry in this period expressed his interest in Buddhism and Taoism .

    这时期的诗歌,在情感内容上常常表现出佛禅的意趣和 道家 情怀

  • During the transformation of kung fu it was greatly influenced by Taoism and Zen .

    在功夫的发展过程中,受到了 道教和禅宗的极大影响。

  • Taoism inheritances and develop the Taoist idea and gives it the color of theology .


  • The close relationship between Taoist doctrine and the succession of Taoist schools standardizes the succession of Taoism .

    道教教义与 道教教派的承传关系密切,对道教承传有严格的规范的作用。

  • He explained the beliefs of Taoism to us .

    他向我们讲解了 道教教义。

  • In Taoism and Buddhism the yellow color is a holy color .


  • After that the Confucian Buddhism and taoism converge to enter the third period of his philosophic development .

    此后乃进入他哲学思想发展的第三阶段,即儒释 融合,而又回归儒学。

  • Traditional views on confucianism buddhism and taoism .

    传统的儒、佛、 三教观。

  • Many philosophies from Confucianism Taoism and Buddhism have emphasized the significance of a balanced environment .

    儒家、 道家和佛家思想中的很多哲理都强调一个和谐的环境的重要性。

  • Both Buddhism and Taoism live in the same mountain ;

    此山同时 蕴含着佛教和 道教的气息。

  • Taoism 's ancient books and records and central Asia religion history .


  • As a goddess of taoism she is astonishingly similar to the Guanyin bodhisattva .

    作为 道教女神,她和佛教的观音菩萨有着惊人的相似。

  • While Neo-Confucianism incorporated Buddhist and Taoist ideas many Neo-Confucianists strongly oppose Buddhism and Taoism .

    虽然道学纳入佛教和道教的思想,许多新儒家强烈反对佛教和 道教

  • Yet the original teachings of Buddhism and Taoism were almost flatly opposed .

    可佛教原来的教义和 道教几乎完全相反。

  • In these books Liu Zongyuan believes in Confucianism merges Buddhism depreciates Taoism ;

    在这些作品中,柳宗元信奉儒学、融汇佛学、贬低 道学

  • Jerry : In Chinese Literature Confucianism and Taoism are in the leading position .

    在中国文学中,儒家思想和 道家 思想占据了主导地位。

  • And Taoism is a religious sect which was founded by Zhang Daoling of the Eastern Han Dynasty .


  • There is the story of overcome powerful adversaries in buddhism and Taoism .

    佛教和 道教中都有降龙伏虎的故事。

  • In the ensuing Sui dynasty Confucianism and Taoism were again fused with Buddhism to legitimize it .

    接下来的隋朝,统治者又将儒教 道教与佛教混合起来合法化其权利。

  • Most likely because a majority of Taiwanese people believe in Buddhism and Taoism .

    大概因为台湾大多数人信奉佛教和 道教

  • Taoism has a wide-ranging influence on social life in Quanzhou .


  • And Taoism is a religious sect .


  • Traditional Chinese curriculum is closely related to Confucianism Taoism Legalism and Mohism .

    中国传统的课程,与其儒家、 道家、法家和墨家等 哲学 有关;

  • Reform of the Han-Chinese Buddhism and Taoism was also carried out .

    汉传佛教和 道教也进行改革。