





  • She is tall and blonde with a permanent tan .

    她高个儿,一头金发, 皮肤 黝黑

  • It 's safer to fake a tan with make-up rather than subject your complexion to the harsh rays of the sun

    用化妆品打造 铜色的皮肤比让皮肤受太阳的暴晒更为安全。

  • Just look at my nice tan !

    你看,我都 晒黑了!

  • With almost evangelical fervour Marks warns against deliberately seeking a tan

    几乎是凭着一股疯狂的热情,马克斯警告人们不要刻意追求 铜色

  • I have very pale skin that never tans


  • Thanks it 's because of the tan .

    谢啦,那是因为 晒黑了。

  • Leigh rolled over on her stomach to tan her back .

    莉翻了个身趴下,开始 后背。

  • I must buy Tan mei 's present !

    我必需去给 谭梅买礼物了。

  • Soprano Tan Jing and Lei Jia will perform the title role Mulan .

    这部歌剧将由女高音 谭晶和雷佳扮演主角木兰。

  • Her bare legs and arms had lost all their tan .

    她裸露的腿和手臂上 曝晒 棕褐色已全褪去了。

  • Why do some people tan and others burn ?

    为什么有些人 晒黑和其他燃烧?

  • If I am fair-skinned can I tan at all ?

    如果我皮肤白皙,我能 晒黑吗?

  • I bought a pair of Tan shoes .

    我买了一双 黄色的皮鞋。

  • The chlorosis develops from light yellow to tan becoming brown and finally drying to a scorch .

    褪绿部分由淡黄色演变为 黄褐色 以至 褐色,最终变干呈“灼伤状。”

  • This method of Realist Abstraction was named by Tan Tian as Macro-Far .

    这种写实抽象的方法, 天称其为“宏远”。

  • I don 't tan

    我不愿 晒黑

  • Congratulations for Hanjie Tan on his first SOHO comet discovery !

    这是在邮件中对我发现第一颗 SOHO彗星的祝贺语。

  • Build up your tan slowly and don 't allow your skin to burn

    慢慢地将 皮肤 铜色小心别让 太阳把皮肤晒伤。

  • A blue egg with an odd grey blotch on the top and a tan blotch on the bottom .

    蓝色鸡蛋一个奇怪的灰色斑点的顶部和 病的底部。

  • Tan 's daughter is a second year student of a primary school in Beijing .

    现在 先生的女儿已经是北京一所小学二年级的学生了。

  • Male models used to be gorgeous — all chiselled jaw perfect pecs and golden tan .

    以前男模是很帅的——都有着棱角分明的下巴、完美的胸肌和金 棕色 皮肤

  • I went swimming . I got not only a tan but also a sunburn .

    我去游泳。我不只 晒黑也晒伤了。

  • You look so tan and healthy !

    你看上去 皮肤 黝黑,健康极了。

  • Mr. Tan said he has left branding and design to the Italians .


  • Tan : I 've tried but no one answered !


  • Tan Tian 's practice may could be used as another case of Post Literati Painting .


  • Tina Tan is the director of international student and scholar services .

    Tina Tan是国际学生和奖学金管理处的主管。

  • My tan 's fading already .

    晒黑 肤色已经在变 了。