



  • I put a tampon in but I might not have pulled out the other one .

    我塞了一个 止血 棉球,但另一个却拿不出来了。

  • Methods The rat acute paw swelling test mouse tampon granulation swelling test mouse acute ear swelling test and mouse acute exudation test were performed in the experiment .

    方法抗炎作用研究采用大鼠急性足肿胀实验、小鼠 棉球肉芽肿实验、小鼠急性耳肿胀实验和小鼠急性渗出实验等方法。

  • By observed the influence on vessel permeability and tampon granuloma the effect on Anti-inflammation had been observed .

    通过对血管通透性、 棉球肉芽肿的影响观测 脊髓康的抗炎作用。

  • Experimental Observation of Pinpoint Inclined Plane Orientation Puncture Influencing on Glue Tampon Debris Forming

    针尖斜面不同朝向穿刺影响胶 碎屑形成的实验观察

  • Effect Observation of Tampon Rod Fixation After Interphalangeal Joint of Hand Venipuncture


  • However the patient in experiment group was dripping antibiotic injection periodically since first day after the surgery and was taken out the tampon during three to five days after the surgery .

    实验组自术后第1天起间断性 鼻腔滴抗生素注射液,术后第3至第5天 取出 填塞

  • Today my tampon string was hanging from my bathing suit .

    今天,我 卫生 的线在我的泳装 旁边露了出来。

  • Foreign firms brought wonders : a tampon factory international direct dialling .

    国外企业引入了新奇理念,包括:生产 卫生 的工厂以及国际市场直销等。

  • For the time being the NDV detection of CIQ includes cloaca tampon separate virus ELISA HI and RT-PCR is trying now .

    目前我国出入境检疫中对新城疫病毒的检测方法主要有泻殖腔 拭子样品病毒分离鉴定、HI和ELISA,RT-PCR检测技术正在试用之中。

  • Results In two lots and 4 orientations punctures glue tampon debris forming rate of left orientation was the lowest one .

    结果各批号4种朝向穿刺胶 均以左向法穿刺胶 碎屑形成率最低。

  • Effect of Number of Lids Wiped by One Tincture of Iodine and Alcohol Tampon and Placed Time of Sterilized Lids on the Sterilization Efficacy

    碘酊乙醇 擦拭瓶盖的数量及放置时间对消毒效果的影响

  • Disinfection of glass injectors with water-washing or dipping-in-water or with alcohol tampon were 16.9 % and 42.7 % respectively .

    在玻璃注射器灭菌中,水冲洗或浸泡、酒精 擦拭方式分别占169%和427%;

  • To observe the effect of calcium alginate dressing on nasal tampon during nasal operation . Methods Group A : To make anterior nares packing the first choice followed by posterior nares packing . When neither therapy works out a related artery ligation operation is needed .

    目的:为观察藻酸钙敷料 填塞手术鼻腔的治疗效果。方法A组:首选前鼻孔填塞,其次是后鼻孔填塞和相关动脉结扎术。

  • Methods After cut of pterygium the sclera was covered by a tampon with 0.4 mg / mL mitomycin C for 3 minutes and washed by physical solution then limbal epithelial autograft was transplanted to the area .

    方法常规方法切除翼状胬肉后, 丝裂霉素C棉 敷,然后自体角膜缘上皮移植,覆盖巩膜 暴露区。

  • In case you need to change your tampon .

    除非你要换 卫生 棉条

  • Objective To study the effects of using the tampon in the encopresis nursing for long term lying elder patients .

    目的探讨 卫生 棉条在肛门括约肌松弛导致大便失禁的长期卧床高龄老年患者护理中的应用效果。

  • Application of cleaning enema towards patients with sphincter ari chalasia at genupectoral position Objective To study the effects of using the tampon in the encopresis nursing for long term lying elder patients .

    膝胸卧位法用于肛门括约肌松弛患者清洁灌肠目的探讨 卫生 棉条在肛门括约肌松弛导致大便失禁的长期卧床高龄老年患者护理中的应用效果。

  • Application of Tampon Pressure Enswathement in Nail Bed Injury


  • Can you go and get me a tampon ?

    能不能去帮我买 卫生

  • Patients were divided into test and control groups . Patients of test group were given calcium alginate dressing to tampon the nasal cavity . ON THE STUDY OF SPINNING POWER IN COTTON RING FRAME

    方法:采用随机分组,观察组 藻酸钙敷料 填塞手术鼻腔,对照组 凡士林 填塞鼻腔。关于环锭细纱机纺纱动力的分析探讨

  • Break it sauce shape wear with posse tampon Taoist sacrificial ceremony the sauce inunction of tomato is on your abluent face .

    将它碎成酱汁状,用一团 棉球醮着西红柿的酱汁涂擦在你洗净的脸上。

  • Results : TGP injection in dose of 50 ~ 150 mg · kg-1 · d-1 can markedly inhibit pedal swelling induced by carrageenan and granuloma induced by tampon prevent and treat adjuvant arthritis in rats .

    结果TGP粉针剂在50~150mg·kg-1·d-1的剂量下,可明显抑制角叉菜胶引发的大鼠足肿胀和 棉球引起的大鼠肉芽肿;

  • Conclusion Tampon can effective improve the encopresis condition for long term lying elder patients .

    结论 采用 卫生 棉条对长期卧床高龄老年患者大便失禁情况进行肛周皮肤护理,是一种理想的护理方法。