tea oil

[ti ɔɪl][ti: ɔil]


  • Objective : To evaluate the genetic toxicity of tea oil .

    目的:评价 茶油的急性毒性和遗传毒性作用。

  • The Application of Tea Oil in the Prevention and Cure of Diaper Dermatitis of the Newborn

    生茶 在防治新生儿尿布皮炎中的应用

  • The type of double bonds in tea oil rape oil and bean oil was isolated double bond which was highly active .


  • The growth and development of Tea oil tree fruit in Qinling southern slope had been observed .

    对秦岭南坡 油茶果实的生长、发育进行了定点观察测定,发现 油茶幼果的生长与营养供给有着重要关系。

  • The company then went on to become the first to introduce Tea Tree Oil to the United States .

    之后,我们又成为第一个将 茶树 引进美国的公司。

  • Used Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus as the indicator bacteria the antimicrobial activity of tea tree oil was investigated .

    以大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌为供试菌种,对引种 茶树 的抑菌性进行了研究。

  • Methods The method is to apply the Tea Oil to the newborn and the patients suffering from the diaper dermatitis .

    方法应用 生茶 护理新生儿及尿布皮炎患儿。

  • Study on the Extraction Technology of Tea Saponin from Hainan Green Tea Seed and the Components of Tea Seed Oil

    海南绿茶籽茶皂素提取工艺及 籽油成分研究

  • Development and Analysis of Tea Oil


  • Preparation of tea oil camellia fruit is nuts have a high economic value and food value .

    油茶果实是制取 茶油的坚果,有很高的经济价值及食用价值。

  • Effects of degumming methods on metal content in puer tea seed oil

    脱胶方法对普洱 籽油中金属含量的影响

  • Camellia oleifera are strongly supported by the state because of high quality tea oil .


  • Its oil is of the asme fatty acid composition as olive oil or tea oil and its meal could be used as food or feed .

    其油脂的脂肪酸组成与橄榄油、 茶油相似,是良好的食用烹调油。

  • National Medicine Center confirms that cholesterol can be gone down by Camellin and Camellian sinensis in Tea seed oil .

    据美国国家医药中心证实, 茶油 多酚和山茶甙对降低胆固醇和抗癌有明显的功效。

  • Crude extract added to the tea oil caused deterioration of the Camellia oil oxidative stability the need to add a certain amount of antioxidants .

    而粗提物添加至至 中会引起茶油氧化稳定性的劣化,需添加一定的抗氧化剂。

  • Effect of degumming methods on metal ion concentration in puer tea fruit oil

    脱胶方法对普洱 中金属离子浓度影响

  • After the processing including bleaching de-odorization dehydration edible tea oil can be obtained .

    还对 籽油生产工艺进行了研究,通过脱色、脱臭、脱水可得到食用级的 籽油,有广泛的开发前途。

  • Why is tea tree oil so popular in all kinds of cosmetics ?

    为什么 茶树 在化妆品中这么受欢迎?

  • Here is an excellent ecological environment the mountains of tea oil tea chestnut mountain vegetables shrimps and crabs wa Fish and turtle ter are all pure natural green food .

    这里的生态环境优良,山中的 茶油、茶叶、板栗、山野菜,水里的鱼鳖虾蟹,都是纯天然的绿色食品。

  • Tea oil is a very good cooking oil in the26 strains tested the oil in the unsaturated fatty acid content of90.35 % on average of which an average of81.73 % oleic acid content ;


  • The oleic acid content in the tea oil increased from 66.99 % to 70.96 % . While the oleic acid content in the flax oil increased from 15.35 % to 31.75 % .


  • Aloe gel tea tree oil bergamot peppermint .

    芦荟凝胶, 茶树 ,佛手柑,薄荷。

  • The Assessment of the Genetic Toxicity of Tea Oil


  • After the tea oil extracted by the petroleum ether was further refined the parameters of its physiochemical indexes had more advantages over those of cold-pressed tea oil . Meanwhile these parameters were meet the national standards . 3 .

    比较发现经石油醚提取后得到的 茶油,经进一步精制后其理化指标参数较冷榨茶油优,符合油茶籽油国家标准。

  • Results The treatment of tea oil significantly improved nutritional condition of obstructive jaundice in rats ;

    结果 茶油能明显改善梗阻性黄疸大鼠营养状况;

  • Among other ingredients the colloidal silver and tea tree oil have been shown in

    除其他配料,胶体银和 茶树 已被证明在

  • Biological Property of Tea oil Tree Fruit in Qinling Southern Slope

    秦岭南坡 油茶果实生物学特性的研究

  • Objective To study the protective effect of tea oil which is rich in monounsaturated fatty acid on the heart in the common bile duct ligated rats .

    目的探讨富含单不饱和脂肪酸的 茶油对梗阻性黄疸大鼠的心脏保护作用。