


  • This model analyze the effects on the strip gauge when some factors vary in the course of rolling such as entrance thickness of strip control tankage in the backpressure cavity of hydrocylinder ordinance of strip roller eccentricity stiffness coefficient of rolling mill and nonlinear factor .

    该模型分析了轧制过程中的诸因素如:带钢入口厚度、液压 背压腔控制容积、轧件规格、轧辊偏心、轧机纵向刚度、非线性因素等对带钢精度的影响。

  • The Explosion Protection Safety for Electrical System Used in Petroleum Tankage

    石油 电气系统的防爆安全问题

  • Bio-Clarifier shaft is supplied to be installed in concrete tankage .

    生物二沉池的轴安装在水泥 中。

  • C.All tankage and connecting flumes are boiler plate .

    所有筒 和与之相连接的水槽为平轧钢板制造。

  • Study on automatic welding equipment for the tankage and development of welding tractor supported on an arm

    罐体自动焊设备研究及 新型探臂焊车研制

  • However to conserve fresh water especially on small vessels with limited tankage you might want salt water for dishwashing .

    然而,为了储存淡水,特别是对有限 水箱 容量的小型船只,您可能想要 海水洗碗。

  • A study on long term compatibility of the nitrogen tetroxide with the satellite tankage materials

    四氧化二氮与卫星 材料的长期相容性研究

  • Maximum capacity of flow equalization limited by available wastewater depth in feed chamber of concrete tankage .

    水泥 的进水箱内的水深决定水流均衡 的最大 承受能力。

  • In staged combustion that still-usable exhaust is instead fed into the main combustion chamber driving up pressure and burning a second time to maximize impulse from the available tankage .

    在分级燃烧,仍然可再用废气,而不是送入主燃烧室,从而抬高了压力和燃烧第二次从可用 储罐 容量最大化的冲动。

  • The design principle of auto oil tankage 's dispatching system is introduced .

    阐述了 油库自动 发油系统的设计原理。在设计的过程中, 借鉴以往设计的 经验 教训针对系统的关键 部位进行着重的处理, 突出了系统的可靠性。

  • Match Arrangement Design and Development of the Auto Oil Tankage 's Dispatching system

    集散 自动 发油系统的设计与研制

  • The explosion protection safety for the electrical system used in petroleum tankage mainly refer to three aspects : fire prevention explosion proof and prevention of electrical shock .

    前言:石油 电气系统防爆安全涉及防火、防爆、防触电三大方面。 本文油库电气 设备的选型、 布线配电安装、使用、维护等安全方面存在的主要问题作了论述。

  • ≤ 30 mg / kg in fish meal meat meal and tankage .

    鱼粉、 肉粉、肉 骨粉 30mg/kg