take it easy

[tek ɪt ˈizi][teik it ˈi:zi]


  • Now just take it easy and I 'll go with you .

    现在, 冷静点,我会和你走。

  • Take it easy ! I can help you with your work .


  • Take it easy . You 'll feel better soon .


  • I could imagine how sorry you are but I do want you to take it easy .

    我能想像你有多么难过,但希望你千万 宽心

  • Take it easy boys . don 't break my door down .


  • ' Just take it easy ' David said . ' You 'll feel better presently . '

    放松 ,”戴维说,“你很快就会觉得更舒服些。”

  • I suggest that you take it easy and try your best to cram more things in .

    我建议你 轻松,尽你最大的所能多背点东西。

  • Take it easy . I 've brought two bottles and you can have one .


  • Take it easy on you . it 's the Ieast I can do .

    紧张。我只能做 这些了。

  • You might want to take it easy .

    你也许会想 轻松点。

  • Take it easy then . I really sympathize with you .

    轻松 。我对你的情况非常同情。

  • Take it easy ; don 't push and shove .

    大家 慢慢 ,别推推搡搡的。

  • Take it easy you don 't have to kill me .


  • I can take it easy this time . I will go with someone further up the ladder .

    这次我能 放松了。 和一个老同事一起去。

  • You take it easy now .

    你现在 不用 担心了。

  • Can 't you take it easy ? I know you 're tired .

    你不能不 这么 着急吗?我知道你累了。

  • I don 't like to take it easy I like to get things done .

    我不喜欢 悠闲自在,我喜欢做事情。

  • Hey your serves are too fast . Take it easy okay ?

    嘿,你的发球太快了, 轻松一些好不好?

  • In other words he really had enough money to retire and take it easy .

    也就是说,他已经赚了足够的钱, 可以退休 养老了。

  • Take it easy this is a benign tumour .

    不用 担心,这是个良性肿瘤。

  • Take it easy . We 've got him . He 's not going to kill anyone else .


  • Take it easy ! Don 't go at it so hard !


  • Take it easy . Don 't be so sensitive .

    放松 ,别这么敏感。

  • Just take it easy .


  • You have done quite enough work for today ; now take it easy for an hour .

    你今天已经做了很多工作,现在来 休息一个小时。

  • If you take it easy for a while you will get better more quickly .

    如果你 放松一段时间,你就会好得更快一些。

  • You can take it easy now since you are on vacation .

    你现在 可以 轻松了,因为你现在在休假。

  • Take it easy . You 'll find it easier if you relax .

    放松点。你放松了,就会发现它没 这么

  • Take it easy ; don 't overdo it .
