take courage

[tek ˈkɚrɪdʒ][teik ˈkʌridʒ]


  • While this might take some courage in the beginning you might discover you like doing things alone .

    一开始也许 需要勇气,但很快你就会发现,原来自己喜欢独立行事的感觉。

  • Take up all your courage and do something your heart tells you to do .

    鼓起你所有的 勇气,按照你心去行动吧。

  • Yes : but making peace will take courage and too much of the energy that should have gone into peacemaking has been squandered on the blame game .

    答案是肯定的:但是讲和将 需要 勇气,而且太多本应该用于和谈的力量却被白白浪费在互相指责的游戏中。

  • But releasing more for development will take courage .

    但是,释放更多土地用于开发 需要 勇气

  • If you make some mistakes at first take courage .

    如果在刚开始时你出了些错误, 勇敢点。

  • It is a challenging job but take courage and work hard at it ; and you 'll be rewarded .

    这是项有挑战的工作。 拿出 勇气 好好干,你会得到回报的。

  • But it will take even greater courage for the Singapore government to convince Singaporeans to welcome and accept them with an open mind .

    新加坡能否说服自己的国民敞开胸怀去欢迎他们、接纳他们,则 需要更大的 勇气

  • Wouldn t you take more pride in your own gameness and courage ?

    你难道 为你自己的勇敢和 勇气倍感自豪吗?

  • We who are looking for our Lord 's second coming can take courage and find comfort in anticipating that glorious reunion .

    我们这些期望我主再来的人 应当 鼓足 勇气,在荣耀重聚的盼望中得安慰。

  • It 'll take your courage away .

    否则会消磨 你的 勇气的。

  • Knowing love I would allow all things come and go to be the supplest wind and take everything with great courage .

    学会爱,我让万事万物且来且走,就像最最温柔的风一般,我 鼓起最大的 勇气面对一切。

  • China as a developing country may take for reference with great courage the established achievements of mature western market economies meanwhile rely on cultivating rational market-compliant spirits from inside .

    中国作为后发转型国家在立足内生理性市场精神的同时 大胆借鉴西方成熟市场经济国家的现成经验以为我用。

  • Never lose heart in the fact of a setback ; take courage and deal with it squarely .

    在挫折面前千万不要丧失信心; 鼓起 勇气坚定不移地出克服它。

  • You therefore my sons take courage and behave manfully in the law : for by it you shall be glorious .

    孩子们!你们要 刚强不屈,遵守法律,法律必使你们蒙受光荣。

  • Take courage from her as your prize and say hello for me .

    你一定 珍惜, 勇敢 告诉她心中所想,并向她表达我最真诚的问候。

  • It will take much courage to step away from the killings and plundering that have come to be accepted .

    这将 需要很大的 勇气从这些已经被“接受”的杀戮和掠夺中脱离出来。

  • Be strong and let your heart take courage .

    坚强并让你的心 充满 勇气

  • Be courageous take courage again and again .

    要勇敢,一而再、再而三地 拿出 勇气

  • Take up all your courage and do something your heart tells you to do so that you may not regret not doing it later in life .

    拿出你所有的 勇气去做内心真正想做的事,以后才不会后悔!

  • Life is not meant to be easy but take courage it can be delightful .

    生活本就是不容易的,但是 只要 努力,生活就能多姿多彩。

  • We will take our courage in both hands Because we are young !

    正因为我们年轻,所以 勇往直前

  • Though it might take some courage to ask a sales assistant pittsburgh steelers jerseys reports indicate that most of them are helpful .

    虽然这可能 需要一些 勇气来问一个售货员,匹兹堡钢人的球衣,报告指出,其中大部分是有益的。

  • So spake she and the horned bull made answer to her again : Take courage maiden and dread not the swell of the deep . Increased cloud also blocks the atmospheric window and returns additional long-wave radiation to the ground .

    她说完这些话,那长了角的牡牛回答道: 鼓起 勇气,姑娘,不要害怕大海的波滔。云的增加对大气窗区也起着屏蔽作用,因而使额外的长波辐射返回地面。

  • It will take courage for a policy community that has invested much in boosting Kyoto to radically rethink climate policy and adopt a bottom-up'social learning'approach .

    促使京都派从根本上重新考虑气候政策,采取一个自下而上的“社会学习”式方案,对于决策团体来说是 需要 勇气的。

  • If the really smart people on the board and on her staff take the other side her courage will be severely tested .

    如果董事会和员工队伍中那些真正聪明的人意见和她 相左,那她的 勇气就会受到严峻的考验。

  • It will take some courage to go it alone but it will be well worth it !

    这将 需要一些 勇气单干,但它是值得的好!

  • You just have to take a deep breath and gather your courage .

    只要深呼吸,给自己 勇气