take in the meaning of

[tek ɪn ði ˈminɪŋ ʌv][teik in ðə ˈmi:niŋ ɔv]


  • The article will take Jan van Eyck who is the most distinguished painter in Netherlands as center and try to study the meaning of the Light in his paintings .

    文章 拟就扬·凡·艾克这位尼德兰最重要的画家做研究,探讨在他的绘画中光元素所体现出来 内在 涵义

  • Take the electricity leaks protection which in the middle point ungrounded electric power system as researched object . explains the concept and the important meaning of alternative electricity leakage protection ;

    中性点不接地供电系统漏电保护作为研究对象,阐述了选择性漏电保护的概念及其重要 意义

  • Fistly I take the visual sign of communication information in graphic design as a respect and analyse the meaning of visual sign in graphic design .

    首先,本课题 平面设计 传达信息的载体&视觉符号入手,对平面设计中符号自身 意义进行 界定

  • Couldn 't take in the meaning of the word .

    能够 理解这个词 含义

  • I agree with some scholars on that the principle of participation refers to that private party is authorized to express opinions and request administrative subject take those into account in the administrative process which exactly grasp the meaning of the principle of participation .

    意见受重视说认为行政参与原则是指行政相对人有权发表自己的意见并要求行政主体 重视其意见,是 行政参与原则 内涵的准确把握。

  • On the Crasis Phenomenon of Homologous Words & take ji and rou in the meaning of jirou as example

    类义词融合现象初探& 肌和肉 融合过程为例

  • She saw her husband but she did not take in the meaning of his appearance now before her .

    她看见丈夫,但是她弄不 他此时在她面前出现 什么 意义

  • How a Balinese single mother facing eviction found it in her heart to take in two extra homeless children is something that reaches far beyond any understanding I 've ever had about the meaning of compassion .

    一位巴厘岛的单亲妈妈如何在面临被迫搬迁的命运之际,还有心 收留两名额外的流浪儿&这已远远超越我对悲悯 意义 理解。

  • To take one step ahead in mastering technique property of this kind of facilities and making use of it reasonably and correctly . Is the positive meaning in push on technique equipment level of sewage treatment trade of China .

    进一步 掌握这类设备的技术特性,合理正确地使用这种设备,对于推动我国污水处理行业的技术装备水平有 积极的 意义

  • At the same time this paper take movies and actors as discussion objects analyses their new features in the new century and compare these new features with traditional art in order to find out the meaning of reproduction to modern society .

    同时又 电影和演员为论述对象,讨论他们 新世纪 新特点,并把它们与传统艺术相比较,进而找出复制艺术对现代社会的 意义

  • The surface warships especially the large-scale surface warships take an important part in every naval battle . The instructional meaning of doing research on the reliability safety of the large-scale surface warships in underwater explosion condition to improve the vitality and fighting strength of warships is very important .

    水面舰船尤其是大型水面舰船 历次海战中都 着举足轻重的作用,研究大型水面舰船在水下爆炸冲击下的安全性对提高舰船的生命力和战斗力具有重要 指导 意义

  • Take the research take science as a vocation as an example it includes the thoughts of existentialist in 3-different level : scientific researcher the science itself and the meaning of life .

    学术为业研究为例,它包含三个层次:学术工作者、学问本身、人存在 意义 追问。 这种追问是典型存在主义式的思考模式。