In business settings it 's really easy to forget to take the time to say thank-you and yet it 's an important part of interaction with others .
在公务场合,我们很容易忘记对 别人说一声“谢谢”,然而,表达谢意是 与他人互动的重要 部分。
Or sometimes the Romans liked to take a big theater and fill the central part of the theater the cavea with water and then stage naval battles and that kind of thing .
有时候罗马人也喜欢 利用大剧院,在大剧院 的中心和兽笼, 注满水,上演大海战之类的。
So kind as they are to you ! Take the part with a good grace I entreat .
他们待你那么好。我求你,顺顺当当地 承担起 那个 角色吧。
Then take the lesion part fix it with 10 % formalin and make into slices with HE staining and observe it under optical microscope .
然后 取病变 部分, 用10%的福尔马林溶液固定后切片,HE染色,光镜下观察;
I wish more people could take the conference idea and organize it in their part of the world ( similar to what is happening with Agile Coach Camp ) .
我希望更多的人能够 采纳会议的理念,并在他们自己 所在的地方组织会议(类似于AgileCoachCamp发生的事情)。
Work carries out drawing studying another a approach is to take landscape as subject content by the part except starting with extant material object to landscape the ancient times in the homeland studying .
在国内对于古代景观研究除了从现存的实物 入手以外,另一条途径就是通过 以中国传统绘画作品进行研究。
Take some scrub and daub on the heel or thick part of sole gently massage and then rinse off with clean water .
取一些磨砂,涂抹在脚后跟或脚底厚层 部位,轻轻按摩,再用清水清洗干净。
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