take pains


  • When writing gateway software of any kind take pains to disturb the data stream as little as possible & and * never * throw away information unless the recipient forces you to !

    写作任何的通信闸软体时, 尽可能 不去 扰动到通讯的资料流,&并且绝对不要丢掉其中任何的资讯,除非接收方强迫你这麽做。

  • Besides for the purpose of better spreading the source-language culture the translator has to take pains and take active measures to compensate for cultural default despite degrees of untranslatability .

    另外,尽管存在不同程度的不可译性,但为了更好地传播源语言文化,译者 应该下大 工夫、采取积极措施来弥补文化流失。

  • Since the modern Chinese ink painting has made great progress modern Chinese artists still need to take pains to make it stand out form the frost of world art .

    中国现代水墨虽然已经取得很大进步,但是想要屹立于世界艺术之林,还 需要现代艺术家们 不懈的努力。

  • Whoever studies hard cannot fail to succeed . Successful are those who are willing to take pains .

    凡是拚命用功的人都不会不成功。成功的人都是那些 努力的人。

  • Therefore I advise you to stand on ceremony before anyone else and take pains not to do anything against etiquette lest you give offences or make enemies .

    寄语读者,切记谦恭待人, 殚精竭虑,勿违礼仪,以免出言冒犯,招致仇敌。

  • So you have to take pains to offer them a reasonable deal .

    因此,你 必须 尽力向他们提供合理的交易。

  • According stride borough mechanical harvest practice the author summarizes basic experiences as invariance core sincerity chariness and take pains .

    本文作者通过多年的跨区机收实践,总结出恒心、核心、诚心、细心、 耐心基本经验。

  • Again XBRL allows reporters and analysts to take pains to clarify such details .

    同样, XBRL允许报告人员和分析师 尽量说明这些细节。

  • We must take pains to do meticulous work among the masses .

    我们必须下 功夫在群众中做细致的工作。

  • Multilevel marketers take pains to distinguish their businesses ( which are legal ) from pyramid schemes ( which are not ) .

    多层次营销公司 竭力将自己的业务(合法)和传销(非法)划清界线。

  • Hepatic cross section should take pains to suture .

    肝断面 处理提倡 可能缝合。

  • If you 're very determined to make something and take pains you can be pretty sure that you 're already half-way there to make your dream into a reality .

    如果你下定决心成就某件事,并 为此 付出 辛苦 汗水,那可以肯定你的梦想已经实现了一半。

  • Verily dear sir we must take pains to make you strong and vigorous for this occasion of the Election discourse .

    真的,亲爱的先生,我们应该 尽心竭力使你精力充沛地应付这次庆祝选举的宣讲。

  • Day and day I take pains to enquire myself my reason for doing so in no time will I stoop so low as to beg you sympathy though I can feel your scoff all the time .

    日复一日,我 不厌其详 询问我自己,我在任何时候都这样低俯恳求你同情,但我能感受到你对这一切一切嗤之以鼻。

  • They take pains to hire people whose personalities predispose them to serve customers well

    他们 千方百计雇用那些性格上天生适合服务顾客的人。

  • So before they attempt to exert influence executives should take pains to establish their own expertise and not assume that it 's self-evident .

    因此,在试图发挥影响力之前,经理人 应该 努力确立自己的专家信誉,不要认为这是不言而喻的。

  • Successful are those who are willing to take pains .

    成功的人都是那些 努力的人。

  • Still these forward-thinking manufacturers must take pains to keep their devices one step ahead of the advance of smartphones which are always gaining new gadget-destroying capabilities .

    不过,这些具有前瞻性的制造商必须 竭尽全力,才能让自己的设备领先于智能手机的发展,因为后者一直在添加足以摧毁某种设备的新功能。

  • In order to enhance the efficiency of resource using get rid of the rattrap that there is a feeble environment and realize the sustainable development we must take pains to increase the income of peasantry alleviate the conflict between populations and lands and protect the environment .

    为了提高资源利用效率,摆脱西部生态脆弱的困境,实现可持续发展,就 必须 设法增加农民收入,为缓解人地矛盾和保护生态环境作贡献。

  • They take great pains to every detail .

    他们为每个细节 煞费苦心

  • The best advice is to keep such code localised and take pains in the developer documentation to explain the thinking behind it .

    最好的建议就是使此类代码本地化,在开发者文档中 上一 工夫去解释其背后的思想。

  • Unless you take pains to prepare you won 't win the match .

    除非 全力准备,否则你就不能在比赛中获胜。

  • Some historians take pains to study even Oracle bones inscriptions on bronzes and stone tablets and other relics of the ancient past which have been unearthed whereas these comrades pay not the least heed to our recent past and don 't bother to look into it .

    有些历史学家对乌龟壳、 金石文和地下挖出来的其他古东西还要 考,而这些同志对我们的时间不长的东西,却根本不理,也懒得去查。

  • How to put constructivism studying theory and multimedia network techniques with computer technique at the center into physical education practice in higher schools is a problem that massive physical education teachers in higher schools are take pains to discuss and study .

    如何将建构主义学习理论和以计算机为中心的网络多媒体融入高校体育教育教学的实践中去,这是广大高校体育教师一直 努力探讨和研究的问题。

  • If you want to succeed in the work you must take pains about it .

    如果你要在这项工作中取得成功,就 苦干

  • This isnt charity some donors take pains to claim this is an investment .

    有些捐助者 刻意宣称:这不是施舍,而是一种投资。

  • From this day she forced herself to take pains to avoid him - never allowing herself as formerly to remain long in his company even if their juxtaposition were purely accidental .

    从这一天开始,她 努力强迫 自己 躲开他即使他们完全是偶然地碰到了一起,她也不让自己像从前那样在他的身边呆得太久。

  • Both companies say they take great pains to ensure security encrypting transaction information for example .

    二者均表示,为了确保系统的安全性,他们 下了很大的 功夫,比如对交易信息进行加密。

  • I think the important thing in this job is must be take pains and smiling .

    我认为这份工作最重要的是 耐心和微笑。

  • Take pains to present a smart efficient appearance .
