take no notice


  • Every time a few more birds join in but since the thousands of others still take no notice the great migration plan is once more aborted .

    每次都有更多的火烈鸟加入飞行的大军,可终因成千上万的火烈鸟依然 没有 注意,大迁徙的计划一再搁浅。

  • Take no notice of her . she 's a whore .


  • Take no notice ; he 's always beefing about something .


  • Sixth the fact that part of the school leaders take no notice of PE and hold no support for it influences teachers ' initiative and their attitudes towards its teaching reform .

    部分学校领导对学校体育工作的 重视和不支持,影响着体育教师工作的积极性和体育教学改革态度。

  • Take no notice I 'm just thinking out loud .


  • Even people who take no in interest in business cannot have failed to notice examples of China 's opening up on display across the country .

    即便对商业 没有 任何兴趣 可言的人来说 至于 注意不到在中华大地上所展示的开放的案例。

  • Take no notice of him . ; Ignore him .

    不要 他。

  • Here again the Soviet Union has provided us with experience but some of our comrades take no notice of it .

    这种经验,苏联也已经提供给我们了,我们的有些同志 没有 注意

  • And some take no notice at all but quietly walk in another direction .

    还有一些 动物 根本 不会 注意 人,而是安静地朝另一个方向走掉了。

  • Take no notice of him . he 's always rude to people .


  • They filed out and he affected to take no notice of her . a lean-faced rather commonplace woman recognised carrie on the platform and hurried forward .

    他们鱼贯而下,他假装 注意她。站台上一个脸颊瘦削,模样普通的妇女认出嘉莉,急忙迎上前来。

  • Take no notice of him you know what a show-off he is .


  • Take no notice of him Mr swallow .

    他, 斯沃洛先生。

  • Georgiana would chatter nonsense to her canary bird by the hour and take no notice of me .

    这时候乔治亚娜会对着她的金丝雀胡说一通,而 理睬我。

  • Take no notice of the blurb about these industries being vital arteries for the economy or essential to national security .

    不用 理会所谓这些行业是国民经济“命脉”或者“对国家安全至关重要”的说辞。

  • Take no notice of him . it 's just a little boy 's fancy .


  • A lot of reports and books have been written on this subject and it seems impossible to take no notice of them .

    关于不明飞行物的问题,人们已作过大量的报道,出版了许多书籍,看来已不可能 对此 置若罔闻了。

  • Below you will find advice from readers on how to raise your teenagers and I suggest you take no notice .

    下面,你会看到读者在培养青春期子女方面的建议,但我劝你 别去 理会

  • Take no notice of his angry words & he is not well .


  • The donkey seemed to take no notice and it was clear that the man was not going to do much good by the method he had used .

    那头驴子看起来 一点儿 没有 注意那个男人显然不会用他原来的方法做什么好事!

  • Take no notice of them-treat them with contempt they deserve .

    不要 理会他们-以他们应受到轻蔑地对待他们。

  • Take no notice of him-he always behaves like that .


  • However if we take no notice of the major philosophy idea of consciousness basing our viewpoint on the whole mankind position of universe this view is undoubtedly quite positive .

    但如果我们 剥开主流意识的哲学观念,立足于宇宙的全人类立场上看,这一观点无疑是十分积极的。

  • Even people who take no interest in art cannot have failed to notice examples of modern sculpture on display in public places .

    甚至对艺术 丝毫 感兴趣的人 不可能不 注意 在公共场所展出的现代雕塑作品。

  • Take no notice of his threats they 're sheer bravado .


  • People take no notice of him – yet the image is striking : he carries a lantern in the morning searching everywhere for God who cannot be found .

    人们 理睬他–而这个形象却震撼人心:早晨,他提着一盏灯,四处寻找无法找到的上帝。