take into consideration

[tek ˈɪntu kənˌsɪdəˈreʃən][teik ˈɪntuː kənˌsidəˈreiʃən]


  • There are the factors we must take into consideration .

    这些都是我们必须 考虑的因素。

  • We have to take into consideration the parameter of practicality and artistry .

    我们应该 艺术性和实用性等因素都 考虑 在内

  • While designing the policy for a region take into consideration the security requirements for deployment as well .

    在设计一个区域的政策时,还 考虑 部署的安全需求。

  • We must take into consideration our ability to pay when we import goods .

    我们进口必需 考虑我们的付出能力。

  • It is also important to take into consideration the ages and maturity levels of children .

    同样重要的是 考虑 儿童的年龄和成熟程度。

  • But you should take into consideration that there are different types of coils .

    但是,你应该 考虑到有不同类型的线圈。

  • We must take into consideration that the school library has not purchased new books for a long time .

    我们必须 考虑到学校的图书馆很久没有购买新书了。

  • Employee evaluations take into consideration whether workers follow the procedure .

    员工考核 考虑他们是否遵循了这一程序。

  • Every SLA must take into consideration the service levels supported by downstream services and components it invokes .

    每一份SLA都必须 考虑所调用的下游服务和组件所支持的服务水平。

  • I 'm sure that will be take into consideration .

    我相信有关方面会 考虑 这些的。

  • Irrigation methods should take into consideration sustainability of the water sources and the quality of the water .

    使用的灌溉方法要 考虑 水资源的可持续性和水的质量。

  • The panel shall take into consideration the report of the Technical Committee .

    专家组应 考虑技术委员会的报告。

  • Even if you are prescribing medication you must take into consideration cultural beliefs on medicines .

    即使是开处方,也必须 考虑 关于药物的文化信仰。

  • The first thing one has to take into consideration is the cost .

    任何人首先 考虑 的就是价钱。

  • Although hosted applications have many benefits there are some concerns to take into consideration .

    尽管驻留的应用程序有许多好处,但是 考虑一些问题。

  • Time factor be what we must first take into consideration .

    时间因素是我们必须首先 考虑的。

  • What facts would you take into consideration in preparing a menu for restaurant ?

    为一个餐厅准备菜单你 需要 考虑什么因素?

  • At turnouts ballast distribution shall take into consideration the additional volume needed for the turnout .

    道岔上的道碴分配应 考虑 道岔需要的额外容量。

  • Security is not necessarily a phase of the application development process but is an issue that you should take into consideration during the entire development process .

    安全不是应用程序开发过程中必须的阶段,但是它是你在整个开发过程中必须 考虑的问题。

  • We may take into consideration accepting government-to-government or non-government loans only if the conditions permit .

    只要条件合适,我们可以 考虑接受政府间贷款或非政府间贷款。

  • The logging needs to take into consideration requirements if they are already standardized or structured at the enterprise level .

    日志需要 考虑已经在企业级别标准化或结构化得要求。

  • Decisions concerning location should also take into consideration tax and tariff issues especially in worldwide distribution .

    同时还应 考虑 税收与关税的问题,尤其是发生跨国配送情况时更应谨慎。

  • Do you think you prices are in keeping with the German make when the quality is take into consideration ?

    如果把质量也 考虑 进去,您觉得您方的价格和德国的一致吗?

  • Design input shall take into consideration the results of any contract review activities .

    设计输入应 任何合约检讨的结果均 纳入 考虑

  • We 'll definitely take into consideration feedback from the community .

    我们绝对 考虑玩家所给的建议。

  • Service should involve active participation of clients their cares and take into consideration their views .

    的积极参与; 设计服务时应 考虑他们的意见。

  • In picking the right one for you and yours you should take into consideration what kind of couple you are and what kind of relationship you have .

    在为你和你的爱人选择一个合适的地点时,你要 考虑 你们是哪种类型的情侣以及你们的关系属于哪种类型。

  • The first thing we take into consideration is the atmosphere in the guild .

    第一我们 考虑 公会的气氛,温馨团结是我们最重要的宗旨。

  • I : De you have any particular conditions that you would like our company to take into consideration ?

    I:你还有什么希望公司 考虑的别的条件吗?