take one's own way


  • If I try to change someone I love because I feel I know how that person should be I rob him or her of a precious right the right to take responsibility for one 's own life and choices and way of being .

    如果我试图改变所爱的人,仅仅因为我觉得他/她应该这样,就等于是掠夺了他/她的一项珍贵的权利,即他/她对 自己生命 责任权和生活 方式的选择权。

  • Literature is a way that the mankind holds the world including oneself aesthetically mankind take through it into consideration a one 's own one effective way to mould personage 's image most so all personages ' activities must be based on humanity in literature .

    文学是人类审美地把握包括自身在内的世界的一种方式,人类通过它 观照 自身的最有效 方式 就是塑造人物形象,所以,文学中人物的一切活动必须以人性为依据。

  • Most people in fact now take a diametrically opposed attitude to my mother 's : breast-feeding one 's own baby they believe is the most noble and beneficial way of creating a unique bond between a mother and child .

    实际上,大多数人现在对我母亲 采取的做法都持直接反对态度。他们相信,母乳喂养 自己 孩子是最高尚、最有益的 方式,可以在母亲和孩子之间建立独一无二的联系。