take the water

[tek ði ˈwɔtɚ][teik ðə ˈwɔ:tə]


  • Through the study that how to deal with the difficult problem in charging the water fare the paper raises a new idea that take the method of water supply to separate house .

    通过对水费收缴难问题的研究,提出了 采用分户 供水方式解决的一个新思路。

  • The product is applied to the system to take the soil in water moving through the flat oscillating between dispersed particles under the mixed fluid the supply of a variety of test items .

    该产品适用于 制取土壤在 纯水中经过平动、往返振荡下分散颗粒的混液,供给各种试验项目所用。

  • Analysis on Effects of Human Behavior on the Water Environment & Take the Water Environment of Haihe Basin for Example

    人类行为对水环境影响之浅析& 海河流域为例

  • Take the dropping of water for instance .


  • Because water polluted take the water hard up industry and agriculture production and life face crisis to get water .

    由于水体污染, 造成 资源短缺,工农业生产、生活均面临取水危机。

  • Enterprise Public Relations Crisis Managing New Thought : Change the Danger into Chance & Take the Water Source Gate Event of Kang Shifu as the Example

    企业公关危机管理新思维:化危为机& 康师傅 水源门事件为例

  • The big fish will be on the take in the water . small wrasse of tropical Atlantic .

    大鱼在 水中会伺机 捕捉小鱼。热带大西洋中的小濑鱼。

  • The author elaborated the dangerous source the dangerous factor the dangerous way the hazard point distribution definition and the identification method . This paper has given the identification demonstration take the water and electricity project construction work system as the object of study .

    论述了危险源、危险因素、危险途径、危险点分布的定义与辨识方法, 水电工程施工作业系统为研究对象给出了辨识示例。

  • To analysis the drought resistance we take the branch water retention rate and the leaf anatomical structure way to carry on the analysis .

    对抗旱性 采取了枝条 率和叶片解剖结构分析等方式进行分析。

  • There were many works discussed in the water resources and the land resource separately . But no more researches studied two subjects together . In this paper we take the water - land resources as a whole .

    在以往 水土资源配置研究工作中,多是 水资源和土地资源分别 进行研究,而把两者结合起来的研究较少。

  • Gravitropism is very important for plant to take up the water mineral ions and to harvest light which are necessary for growth and development .

    植物向重力性反应对其生长发育有着重要 生理作用,直接影响到植物体 外界 获得 水分、矿物质及光能等生长必需物质。

  • Brandy is distilled wine that means they take the water out of the fruity bit so you get even more of the goodness that way .

    白兰地是蒸馏酒,这就意味着制造者 从果粒里分离出去,然后你得到了更多的精华!

  • Take the water he said and you will know the past present and future .


  • Take the water ere the clock strikes twelve .

    12点前 取水

  • Take care ! The water is hot !


  • Jiaxing electric shocks two periods take the water structures to sink to put the engineering construction

    嘉电二期 取水构筑物沉放工程

  • The Chalk 's Ocean Airways founded in1919 operates regular flights to and from the Bahamas and its floating planes take off on the water .

    乔克海洋航空公司在迈阿密和巴哈马之间开设航线,并 使用可以在水面起飞和降落的飞机( 上飞机)。 公司 上飞机 起飞时,乘客可以尽览港口和海边豪宅的美景。

  • Take the water system and water diversion modeling of inland Qinhuai river as an example the method and clew of integration of GIS ( Geographical Information System ) and environmental modeling are discussed in this paper .

    本文 南京内秦淮河水系 水试验模拟计算及其结果处理为例,探讨了环境模型与地理信息系统(geographicalinformationsystem,GIS)技术集成的基本方法和思路。

  • And whosoever will let him take the water of life freely .

    愿意的都可以白白 生命

  • They made a channel to take the water off the camp site .

    他们挖了一条水渠 营地 掉。

  • Mechanical test methods and then take the water by changing the gate opening gate before the head and other conditions of no pressure on the brake hydraulic characteristics of flow observation segment .

    采取物理模型试验的方法,通过改变闸前 水头、闸门开度,对闸后无压段水流流态进行观测。

  • The method of instrumental constant : Take the standard water resource of Cs-137 as standard resource to get the instrumental constant .

    仪器常数法: 采用Cs-137标准 水源作为标准源,测得仪器常数。

  • The air we take in and the water we drink are not as fresh and clean as they used to be .

    我们 呼吸的空气和我们喝 不像以前一样干净。

  • But he would settle this thing once and for all Sonny thought as he headed the Buick toward the causeway that would take him over the water from long beach to the parkways on the other side of Jones beach .

    但是,桑儿一面开车,一面想,这次他打算一劳永逸地彻底解决问题。他开着比 尤克牌汽车直奔海峡堤道;上了堤道,他就可以直达 对岸琼斯海滩大路了。

  • The flour mill boss is frightened take awayed the water .

    磨坊老板害怕,就 拿开了。

  • Based on the analyses of existing various methods of evaluation on water environment quality and take the water environment quality of Xi'an city as an example .

    通过对目前水环境质量评价中使用的各方法进行分析,并 西安市 环境质量评价为例,对模糊综合评价法和模糊信息分配法进行比较。

  • Take the South-to-North water transfer project which is under construction and the Luan River to Tianjin which has been completed as examples the dissertation makes a concrete analysis of the practice of the quasi-market model for water right management in the field of interbasin water transfer .

    选取正在兴建 南水北调工程、已经建成的引滦入津工程,具体分析跨流域调水水权管理准市场模式的实践。

  • Remember that coffee doesn 't take the place of water in your child 's diet and they need to hydrate their bodies well for optimal growth development and health .

    记住在孩子的饮食中咖啡并不能 代替 ,而且他们的身体需要水分让他们以最佳状态发育,成长,健康。

  • Dominate specified material ratio catalyst amount the reaction temperature is 180 ℃ ~ 190 ℃ take the water away in use of a particular unit and reaction time is 3 hours .

    控制一定的酸醇比、催化剂用量,反应温度在180℃~190℃之间,使用分水器 去除生成 ,反应时间为3小时。

  • A measurable research on the urban water sights & Take the water sights of the World Expo in ShangHai as an example

    城市水域景观定量研究& 上海世博会 水域为例