


  • The controversy surrounding the take-over yesterday continued to reverberate around the television industry

    昨天围绕 接管 展开的争论在电视业仍然有巨大的反响。

  • Post-war Nationalist Government 's Take-over and Influence to Taiwan 's Industries

    国民政府战后对台湾的工业 接收及其影响

  • Take-over of Romrod Bread Factory as second production facility which later becomes the new headquarter of the company .

    收购 罗姆罗德面包工厂作为琳德烘焙公司的第二大生产基地,并成为公司的新总部所在地。

  • Second conditions must be created for a smooth take-over of the government by Hong Kong residents .

    二是要创造条件,使香港人能顺利地 接管政府。

  • Ferrous Resources the Brazilian iron ore company heading for a London listing later this year is understood to have been approached by several Chinese companies considering a take-over bid .

    据悉,数家中国公司已经与今年晚些时候将前往伦敦上市的巴西铁资源公司(FerrousResources)接洽,考虑对 后者 发出 收购 要约

  • From the moment he walked into his London office to manage Nomura 's take-over of parts of Lehman his role within the business was transformed .

    从他走进自己在伦敦的办公室、着手管理野村 收购雷曼(Lehman)部分业务的那一刻起,他在公司中扮演的角色就已彻底转变。

  • The right and liabilities of the taken-over bank will not change because of the take-over .

    被接管的商业银行的债权债务关系不因 接管而变化。

  • The board of directors met the major shareholders behind closed doors to discuss the take-over bid .

    董事会秘密会见主要股票讨论 接受 报价

  • Fresh reports that rival Royal Dutch Shell considered a take-over bid for the UK oil group also helped drive up the shares .

    有关竞争对手荷兰皇家壳牌(royaldutchshell)曾考虑对这家英国石油集团 发起收购的最新消息,也推动了其股价上涨。

  • A take-over attempt by one or more of its rivals must be a possibility .

    完全有可能被某个或某些竞争对手 收购

  • The public take-over appears to imply that all creditors other than the ordinary and preferred shareholders will be made whole .

    政府 接管似乎暗示,除普通股和优先股的股东外,所有债权人将得到完全补偿。

  • The great danger in the next six months is a take-over by the army .

    在今后的六个月里,最大的危险是军队 出来 接管

  • Take-over is a very important measure to help commercial banks in crisis which is stipulated in the financial laws of most countries and areas .


  • Richard 's resignation has paved the way for Gary 's full take-over of the company .

    理查德的辞职为盖瑞的全面 接手公司铺平了道路。

  • He may be ousted by a military take-over .

    他可能在一场军事 接管中被赶下台。

  • A take-over of Greek debt by official funders makes return to private finance even more unlikely .

    官方资助者对希腊债务的 收购,让私人资金更不可能重新进场。

  • The stock market got wind of a possible take-over bid and share prices soared .

    股票市场 风闻可能有 进出价,因而股份价格扶摇直上。

  • Investment banks are celebrating their best year yet in the Asia Pacific region with record levels of capital raisings and buoyant take-over activity pushing up revenues .

    各家投资银行的亚太业务今年将取得历史最好收成,创纪录的企业融资规模和活跃的 并购活动提高了它们的收入。

  • The term set by the take-over decision expires or the extension of the term decided by the People 's Bank of China expires ;

    接管决定规定的期限届满或者中国人民银行决定的 接管延期届满;

  • Share prices are bound to tumble when the take-over bid hits the headlines .

    合并 出价成为头条新闻时,股票价格必定会暴跌。

  • The reason for the take-over ;


  • All of these preparations provided a strong foundation for the successful take-over of taiwan .

    这些工作为台湾的顺利 接收奠定了基础。

  • The purpose of a take-over is to take necessary measures against the commercial bank which is to be taken over to protect the interests of the depositors and restore the normal operation ability of the bank .


  • An eventual take-over of Rio would have the same psychological impact she says .

    她表示, 必和必拓 最终 收购力拓,也将产生同样的心理效应。

  • Investor confidence in Rio was shaken last month when BHP Billiton dropped its hostile $ 62bn take-over bid citing worries about the size of Rio 's debt .

    上月,必和必拓(BHPBilliton)以担心力拓的债务规模为由,放弃了对力拓620亿美元的敌意 收购,这动摇了投资者对力拓的信心。

  • The Tokyo Stock Exchange is considering building up its take-over defences as it seeks links with foreign exchanges a move that suggests Asia 's largest bourse is worried it might be swallowed up in any alliance .

    东京证交所(TSE)在寻求与外国交易所建立联系的同时,正考虑加强其 收购防御体系。此举表明,这个亚洲最大的交易所担心,自己可能在结盟过程中被吞并。