take aim

[tek em][teik eim]


  • If the next French and American presidents are returned on the basis of campaigns that take aim at Chinese manufacturers and western bankers that is likely to be reflected in future policy .

    如果下届法国和美国总统凭借 矛头 指向中国制造商和西方银行家的竞选纲领上台,这很可能会在未来的政策中得到体现。

  • Concentrate take aim at the target and shoot the narrow part .

    注意力集中, 瞄准 目标,向靶心射击。

  • The central government 's most recent austerity orders take aim at some of the most visible symbols of official excess .

    中央政府最近出台的节俭规定 瞄准了官员铺张浪费的一些典型事例。

  • But US retailers appear to have decided that it would be more effective to take aim at a Chinese target rather than launch attacks on the Silicon Valley-based ecommerce site .

    但美国零售商似乎认为, 目标 对准一家中国企业、而不是总部位于硅谷的电商网站,或许会更为有效。

  • The logical 21st-century update would take aim at our relationship with technology but Mr. Brooker said he wanted to deliberately unnerve the viewers rather than scold them .

    21世纪合乎逻辑的更新版无疑 针对人与技术之间的关系,但布鲁克说,他希望故意令观众烦躁不安,而不是 责骂他们。

  • The captain orders take aim finally .

    船长终于下令“ 瞄准”。

  • The game operate : The mouse controls a direction press the blank space key beginning mouse the left key take aim at trapshooting .

    游戏操作:鼠标控制方向,按空格键开始,鼠标左键 瞄准飞碟射击。

  • To take aim at the nonlinear character and complicacy in time series of the shallow water table a method for prediction based on combination of wavelet analysis and artificial neural network i. e.


  • The automatic operation of taking aim and direction is completed through communicating with the collimation computer since the time at which to take aim is shortened and then the accuracy at which to take aim is raised .

    通过与瞄准计算机通信,实现了瞄准定向的自动化操作,既缩短了 瞄准时间,又提高了瞄准精度。

  • Our next scene shows our rugged Dwarf take aim and engage the powder-sprinkling Tauren .

    下一个场景,展示了皱纹矮人和 撒粉末牛头人的交战。

  • The hunters slowly take aim and – click .

    猎人们慢慢地 瞄准,然后&喀嚓。

  • You should take aim like this .

    这么着才能 瞄准

  • Several times I saw Captain Nemo stop and take aim with his rifle ; then after sighting down its barrel for a few seconds he would straighten up and resume his walk .

    好几次,我看见尼摩船长停步, 瞄准他的枪,但经过一些时候的观察后,他又把枪放下,再向前行。

  • Decide the areas you 'd like to improve and take aim !

    决定好你 想要改进的地方然后确定 目标

  • Press your cheek against the stock when you take aim . butt stock for shotguns and rifles finished or only roughly shaped w_2025


  • Press your cheek against the stock when you take aim .

    瞄准时,脸 抵住枪托。

  • Iraqi assassins are being asked to take aim at hundreds of intellectuals whose names appear on a hit list circulating in the country by an unknown group .

    有人正在要求伊拉克的暗杀者 目标 对准这个国家的数百名知识分子,他们的名字出现在了一份不明组织的暗杀名单。这份名单正在伊拉克流传。

  • Now the OMG is building on the success of CORBA and the UML to take aim at the problems arising from the proliferation of enterprise middleware .

    在CORBA和UML取得成功的基础上,现在OMG 目光 投向了随着企业中间件的普及而引起的问题。

  • No chances are he has a shotgun and will soon take aim at your noggin .

    事实是,他有一把枪而且正准备 瞄准你的脑袋。

  • While these suits take aim at the passive board the question remains : where were the shareholders before and why did they not take action sooner ?

    然而我们依然 问:他们早干嘛去了?为什么没有 尽早采取行动?

  • Take aim at difficulty of mutual interfere elements in spectrophotometry sdvance solve for methods of super-coupled equations simply and easily .


  • The player knelt down to take aim .

    这位选手跪下来 瞄准

  • But this time we 're just sitting by and watching the Japanese take aim at one industry after another .

    但是这次我们却 坐以待毙,眼睁睁看着日本人 占领了一个又一个工业领域。

  • The green is large and well bunkered so be sure and take aim at the right spot .

    果岭很大,又被大沙坑包围着,要确信朝右边 瞄准

  • They also take aim at a key segment of the shadow banking world known as the repurchase or repo market .

    它们还 针对影子银行世界的一个重要领域,即所谓的回购市场。

  • You must take aim at the fierce tiger carefully before you shoot .

    射凶猛的老虎前你必须 仔细 瞄准

  • The surest way to his woman 's heart is to take aim kneeling .

    射中女人的心,最有 把握的方法就是跪下来 个正准。

  • And then take aim and run a preliminary test .

    接着 瞄准然后做一个初步测试。