take delivery of goods


  • Consignee 's obligation to take delivery of goods & article 43 of the Rotterdam Rules on obligation to accept delivery

    收货人 提取 货物的义务&兼评《鹿特丹规则》第43条 收货人接受交货义务

  • Our business entails selling small quantities of high-value yarn to 900 specialist textiles companies throughout Europe normally on the basis that they take delivery of the goods in a few days sometimes a few hours after they place the order .

    我们的业务内容是向欧洲各地共900家专业纺织品企业销售少量的高品质羊绒纱线,这些企业通常要求在 下单后几天、有时甚至是几小时内 收到 货物

  • Times of two week be not enough . I hope the time set for take delivery of the goods are prolong for another week .

    两周的时间不够用,我希望 提货时间延长一周。

  • The ship is scheduled to arrive at your port on the28th October and you may now make all the necessary preparations to take delivery of the goods .

    货船预计在 10/28抵达贵港,你们现在可以 接收 货物的一切必要的准备了。

  • Consignee means the person entitled to take the delivery of the goods .

    “收货人”是指有权 提取 货物的人。

  • Based on current legislation this paper analyzes whether the consignee should take delivery of goods at sea and the conditions to assume the liability .

    结合现行法律的规定,对海运 货物的收货人是否应当 承担 提货义务,以及其承担提货义务的条件进行探讨。

  • This person alone has the right to take delivery of goods .

    只有该人有权 提货

  • The Buyer 's obligation to take delivery consists in doing all the acts which could reasonably be expected of him in order to enable the seller to make delivery ; and in taking over the goods .

    买方收取货物的义务如下包括采取一切理应 采取的行动,以期卖方能 交付货物及接收 货物

  • Whether consignee should be obligated to take delivery of goods

    论收货人是否有必须 提货的义务

  • Even in such cases the Seller is still liable to take all possible measures to expedite the delivery of goods .

    即使在此情况下,卖方仍有责任 采取必要的措施,尽快 交货

  • The buyer must pay all costs relating to the goods from the time they have been delivered in accordance with a4 including the expenses of discharge operations necessary to take delivery of the goods from the vessel .

    买方必须支付自按照a4规定交货之时起与货物有关的一切费用,包括为 受领 货物所需要的 货物从船上卸下的卸货费。

  • Please take delivery of the goods at the station next Friday .

    请于下星期五到火车站 提货

  • The law does not impose the consignee an obligation to take delivery of the goods at the port of destination .

    法律没有加诸 收货人必须 提取到港 货物的义务。

  • Clearing up Distribution of Logic Predicate in Positive Judgment ; Times of two week be not enough . I hope the time set for take delivery of the goods are prolong for another week .

    肯定判断谓项有时周延,有时不周延难题消解两周的时间不够用,我希望 提货时间延长一周。

  • Delivery of goods without doubt is the illegal act but in practice it a lot of shipping there blindly require the carrier to take delivery of goods without legal responsibility is not fair in certain circumstances the carrier can be liable .

    无单放货行为无疑是违法行为,但是在航运实践中却大量存在,一味要求承运人 承担单放 的法律责任是不公平的,在某些特定情况下,承运人可以免责。

  • Take delivery of the goods in accordance with a4 .

    在卖方按照a4规定 交货受领 货物