take seriously

[tek ˈsɪriəsli][teik ˈsɪərɪəslɪ]


  • Some laughed at the shameless vulgarity . Others felt it too outlandish to take seriously .

    一些人对这不知羞耻的粗鄙行为示 嘲笑,其他人则觉得它过于奇怪而不必太 当真

  • The weakness in our psychological defence is something we must take seriously .

    但是我们的心理防卫基础不够坚实,却是我们必须 正视 问题

  • The book puts forward such shaky arguments that they 're impossible to take seriously .

    这本书提出这样靠不住的论点,他们不可能对其 认真 看待

  • As to viewpoint opinion is dispute blame may not is main be afraid basically is to cause take seriously about what just face this problem see all at the action .

    至于观点、见解的是是非非,未必是主要的,主要的恐怕是引起有关方面对此问题的 重视,并见诸于行动。

  • Because I take seriously my responsibility as breadwinner .

    因为我 认真执行负担家计的责任。

  • We need to take seriously what people like Ahmadi-Nejad and others say to their own followers .

    我们需要 严肃 对待像艾哈迈迪-内贾德这样的人对其追随者所说的话。

  • It is important not to waste money you do not have on college classes you are not prepared for or will not take seriously .

    千万不要把钱浪费在你未准备好或不愿 认真学习的课堂上。

  • We must take seriously the risks of nuclear power : Fukushima was a serious industrial accident and we must modernise the existing nuclear fleet to account for its failure .

    我们必须 认真 对待核电的风险,福岛核电站发生的是一起严重的工业事故,我们必须对现有的核电站进行现代化建设,从而避免事故。

  • It 's hard to hate a team you do not take seriously any more .

    憎恨一支你不再 于一 的球队是有难度的。

  • Remaining on the cutting-edge of nutritional research and industry development is a responsibility we take seriously .

    在营养方面的研究保持前列和产业的发展是我们 严肃 承担的责任。

  • Take seriously your Covenant of Love with God .

    郑重 对待你与天主订立的爱的盟约。

  • This problem behoove causes the height of leaders of all levels to take seriously .

    这个问题理应引起各级领导的高度 重视

  • It 's an important task for Chinese tourism to take seriously and strengthen the training of tour talents .


  • Your even if is elementary school teacher still also has an opportunity : if you are engaged in children teachs audition physical disabilities to be able to try these experience are in the United States to be met especially in abroad very suffer take seriously .

    你即便是小学教师也仍有机会:假如你从事非凡教育例如自闭症儿童教育或者听力残障儿童教育则可一试,这些经验在国外尤其是在美国都会很受 重视的。

  • Vietnamese people need to learn to take seriously what we have now .

    越南人必须学会 珍惜我们现在拥有的东西。

  • Pike county has good reason to take seriously the heavy rain that has battered the Midwest in recent weeks .

    大雨最近几周一直在美国中西部地区肆虐,派克县完全有理由 认真 对待这场大雨。

  • Cooking is something that you should take seriously .

    烹饪是一件你应该 认真 对待的事情。

  • Many countries take seriously of the influences of foreign capital to state economy security but what they adopts have caused the consequence is not actually same .

    世界各国 十分 重视外资对国家经济安全的影响,但采取的政策和导致的后果却不尽相同。

  • I believe you will take seriously my advice into account .

    我想您会 当真考虑我的建议的。

  • Bedding serves as indoor soft adornment more and more get of new people take seriously .

    床上用品作为室内软装饰越来越受到新人们的 重视

  • Caused new hundred store various departments to take seriously .

    引起了新百商店各部门 高度 重视

  • That 's a threat they will take seriously !

    这个威胁他们会 认真 对待的!

  • A third example is the failure to take seriously the compensation and risk issues demonstrated by the crisis .

    第三个例证是银行业并没有 认真 对待金融危机所揭示的的薪酬和风险问题。

  • It should be study and take seriously for the photography and design work in the domain of artware .

    针对于艺术品领域专而精的摄影设计工作应予以研究和 重视

  • We have made a very serious effort in this crisis to take seriously into account Arab concerns and Arab views .

    在这场危机中,我们一直非常认真努力,要 阿拉伯人感到关切的 和阿拉伯人的看法 考虑在内。

  • Problem solving is a skill a skill that great engineers take seriously .

    解决问题是种技能,是优秀的程序员 非常 看重的一种技能。

  • Besides life 's too important to take seriously .

    除此之外,生命如此重要,我们 认真 对待