take proceedings

[法] 提起诉讼

  • Anyone can take part in the competition . Well almost anyway ; the Associated Press notes that lawyers and politicians are banned citing an unfair advantage in the proceedings .

    任何人都可以 参加这项比赛,而且方式不限。但根据美联社的报道,律师和政客不得参加此项比赛,因为他们在 辩方面具备对他人而言不公平的优势。

  • To take appropriate way to deal with the pre-matter subsequent proceedings will be simplified as the parties reached a legal settlement basis .

    采取恰当的方式处理该先决事项,会使后面的 诉讼 程序得以简化,为双方当事人达成诉讼和解奠定基础。

  • But accede oneself initial day rises more than 20 years must not again to lodge a complaint . take initiate w_739 proceedings ( against * )

    但是,自继续开始之日起超过二十年的,不得再 提起 诉讼

  • Usually these indirectly affected persons or organizations are not indispensable parties to the adjudication and they will not receive formal service of pleadings and other documents unless they take the initiative to intervene in the proceedings .

    通常,这些间接受到影响的个人或组织不是裁决的“必要当事人”,除非他们 主动介入 诉讼,否则,不会收到正式的诉状和其他文件。

  • Where the litigants who must take part in the proceedings together do not do so the people 's court shall notify them to take part in the proceedings .

    必须共同进行诉讼的当事人没有参加 诉讼的,人民法院应当通知其参加诉讼。

  • In addition based on the diversification of the plaintiff is qualified to take on the proposal to establish certain priorities in the proceedings .

    另外,在原告资格 承担主体多元化的基础上,建议在 提起 诉讼时确立一定的优先级。

  • One of the terms changed is for the first time to provide a minority of shareholders with the right to take legal proceedings of subrogation lawsuit which strongly protects the interest of the small and medium shareholders .

    其中一项制度创新即是首次赋予了少数股东代位 诉讼的权利,加强了对中小股东利益的保护力度。

  • He could never take these official meetings seriously-always throwing some outrageous comment into the proceedings .

    他从不能严肃地 对待这些正式会议,对其议程他总是要 评头论足,令人憎恶。

  • Russian experts in administrative law take doing research on basic notions of administrative procedure as its starting point and make some basic problems clear in theory and in standard of words such as administrative procedure administrative judicial procedure and administrative judicial proceedings procedure .

    俄罗斯行政法学者 研究行政程序的基本概念入手,从理论上和词语规范上理清了行政程序、行政司法程序、行政 诉讼程序等基本问题;

  • You must not use flash or lighting to take photographs when the meeting is in progress and the taking of photographs must not disturb the proceedings of the meeting .

    会议进行期间可 拍照,但切勿使用闪光灯或任何照明设备,也不得干扰 会议的进行。

  • Philips plays a decisive role in the disc industry . Two small companies from Taiwan take legal proceedings against this industry giant on CD-R disc production patent fee and the results is startled .

    在光盘行业中菲利普公司具有举足轻重的地位,台湾的两家小公司因为CD-R光盘生产专利使用费的问题同这样一个产业航母 展开了诉讼,而 诉讼的结果更是让人感到吃惊。

  • The existence of pre-trial proceedings in civil actions aims at providing equal opportunity for parties to take proceedings avoiding unexpected attack in actions and sorting out controversy points of cases so as to maximize the function of court judicial system and centralize court trial .

    民事诉讼审前程序设置的目的在于为当事人提供 充分平等的 诉讼机会,避免诉讼突袭,并能整理案件争点,使法庭审判制度发挥最大的功效,使庭审集中化。

  • Take begin threaten etc legal proceedings .

    起诉,提起 诉讼 起诉相威胁。

  • Take proceedings to have ( a case ) reheard in a higher court .

    (案件)到更高一级法院 进行 复审

  • Under the circumstance of Criminal Procedure reforms all over the world to adapt to the needs of social development and the efficiency of the proceedings our country should also take reforms to improve the efficiency of proceedings .

    在世界各国都在进行刑事诉讼法改革,以适应社会发展需要,满足诉讼效率的大趋势下,我国也 应该进行改革以利于 诉讼效率。

  • The Licensee shall not be entitled to take any proceedings or call on the Licensor to take any proceedings in any of the aforesaid matters ;

    对于上述各项,被许可人无权 提起任何 诉讼或要求许可人提起诉讼。