take by storm

[tek baɪ stɔrm][teik bai stɔ:m]


  • Take Chinatown by storm tonight !

    唐人吧 带来 风暴之夜吧!

  • The wind tries to take the flame by storm only to blow it out .

    风想 风暴 攫取火焰,却把它吹熄了。

  • It 's birthday time of the year a time when you usually feel at your best ready to take the world by storm .

    这是一年的生日时期,是一个你自我感觉最棒的时期,准备好 这个世界一个 惊讶把。

  • Mobile wallets which were expected to take the world by storm have languished in the past few years .

    本以为 风暴 席卷全球 移动钱包,在过去几年中可谓命途多舛。

  • Starbucks to take China by storm with instant coffee .

    星巴克拟 中国大规模 增加 新店,引入速溶咖啡文化。

  • Take by surprise storm w_499 Hurricanes never find people prepared .

    飓风总是 不备 突然袭击的。

  • Perhaps it will not take the world by storm .

    也许,它不会 采取世界 风暴

  • His dreamed symphony that would take the world of music by storm .

    他构思的交响乐 受到音乐界的 欢迎

  • Plot outline : defiant young activists take the women 's suffrage movement by storm putting their lives at risk to help American women win the right to vote .

    胆大的年轻 激进分子 发起妇女投票运动,为了妇女的权利将生命置于危险之中。

  • Interesting fact : Baba Vanga mentioned a new religion that will take the earthlings by the storm : The White Brotherhood .

    有趣的事实:巴巴.万加提到一个新的宗教,将是像 疾风暴雨似的捕获地球人类:纯洁的兄弟会。

  • The commander gave orders to take the enemy fortress by storm .

    司令员下令 强攻占领敌人要塞。

  • Nina is excited to spread her wings get some rest travel the world and also take it by storm and we support her a thousand-fold .

    妮娜很期待能够展翅飞翔,休息 一下并环游世界。我们绝对支持她。

  • Cristiano Ronaldo wants to take the World Cup by storm and help Portugal win the tournament in Germany .

    罗纳尔多希望 一鸣惊人,并帮助葡萄牙赢得德国世界杯。

  • Live it up and take New York by storm .

    放纵一下自己,然后 冲向纽约

  • Accompany with deeply turn of the economic reform to take off to trap to take it by storm to fight with state-owners enterprise of launch a great deal of state-owners enterprise in the northeast region bankruptcy collapse .

    伴随着经济改革的深化和国企 脱困 攻坚展开,东北地区大量国企破产倒闭。

  • As recently as six months ago expectations were high that smart books would take the market for mobile computing devices by storm .

    就在6个月前,对于智能本 在移动计算设备市场 掀起 风暴,人们还寄予厚望。

  • And Beckham believes he is ready to take the World Cup by storm in Germany this summer .

    贝克汉姆相信他正 准备在德国世界杯中 掀起 一阵 风暴

  • Now that his foot was in the door he was poised to take the world by storm .

    在获得迈向成功的机会后,弗拉特利已准备好 他的舞步 风靡全球。