take on board

[tek ɑn bɔrd][teik ɔn bɔ:d]

考虑, 接受

  • Technological knowledge that he would have to take on board before he was capable of tackling the problem .

    他能解决这一问题之前必须 弄懂的技术知识。

  • If its leaders can take this on board and communicate it to the public the sense of fatalism in the face of disaster coupled to bureaucratic stasis and corruption that so often inhibit innovation in the country can be challenged .

    如果其领导人能够真心实意地 接受这一点,并向本国国民灌输此类观点,则灾难来临时的宿命感,以及官僚机构的沉 与腐败(常阻碍俄罗斯的变革),就能够加以应对。

  • In the meantime the overlap between novelty and inventive step would be clarified . It is not permitted to take on board in accordance with the new regulations .

    根据新的相关规定不允许 这个 飞机

  • This underlines a point that economists seem amazingly reluctant to take on board : the fiscal position is unsustainable if the financing of the private sector is unsustainable .

    这突显出经济学家似乎非常不愿 接受的一点:如果私营部门的资金供应不可持续,那么财政状况也不可持续。

  • However Ms Ussher said she and Liam Byrne immigration minister would hold talks with City employers next Wednesday to discuss how the points-based system will work in practice and to take on board any concerns .

    不过, 厄谢尔说,她和移民部长利亚姆•伯恩(LiamByrne)下周三将与伦敦金融城雇主举行商谈,讨论新的积分制度将如何落实,并 听取任何忧虑。

  • Passengers faced disruption and lengthy check-in delays and were advised that they could not take hand luggage on board flights .

    乘客面临航班中断和登机手续长时间延误的局面,而且他们接到通知,不能 携带手提行李 登机

  • Headhunters say it can be tricky for a smaller board to appoint a non-executive who brings much-valued insights into an important market but who may not immediately be able to take on board committee work .

    猎头表示,对于一个较小的董事会来说,任命一名非执行董事,他能够带来关于某个重要市场的真知灼见,但却不能立即 参与 董事委员会工作,是比较棘手的 问题

  • You can now take liquids on board but are limited to the contents of one small see-through plastic bag and bottles no larger than 100ml .

    现在你可以 携带液体 登机了,但可 的东西有限,必须装在一个透明小塑料袋里,而且瓶子的容积不能超过100毫升。

  • Take me on board .


  • Move back into your comfort zone relate the question back to something you do know and take on board any new information you are given .

    把状态调整到你熟悉的区域,把问题联系到你的确知道的事情 上去,然后结合面试官 问题给你的新信息来 回答

  • He did not specify how executive pay structures needed to be reformed but said : it is clear to me that people are very concerned about executive remuneration and good companies should take that on board .

    他没有明确谈到如何改革高管薪酬结构,但他表示:“我清楚地看到,人们非常关心高管的薪酬问题,优秀的公司 考虑这个 问题。”

  • Firstly there has been the failure to take on board increasingly widespread knowledge about how the destruction of mangrove forests dramatically increases the vulnerability of coastal populations .

    第一个失败之处是没有 重视与日俱增的破坏红树林 显著增加沿海地区人口遭受灾害性攻击这种普遍情况。

  • He took it in a great manner and said he would take it on board .

    他非常有礼貌地接受了并说他将 这些 记住

  • If the advice is good I take it on board .

    如果是好建议我 就会 接受

  • Could mothers take baby milk on board ?

    母亲能 着婴儿奶 登机吗?

  • If the most temperamental player in my team was still capable of bringing me qualification I would take him on board .

    如果我的球队里的这名最喜怒无常的球员可以为我带来世界杯资格,我将 名单上。

  • A luxury pleasure boat ? I 'd like to take a look on board .

    豪华游艇?我得 上去观察 观察

  • Relevant law enforcement departments however still take the only way on board to make the detection of ship waterline to measurement the ship ultra-draft which is both time-consuming and affects the normal navigation of the ship .

    然而,相关执法部门仍只能 采取 登船检测船舶吃水线的方式查处船舶超吃水的违规现象,既耗费时间又影响了船舶的正常通航。

  • They loaded ( or take on board ) oil a moji .

    他们在 门司港装 石油。

  • Still the resale right was adopted in France then Germany ; the European Union was subsequently persuaded to take the idea on board .

    不过,这种转售权利还是在法国和德国相继得到 采纳,欧盟后来也 劝说之下 接受了这个想法。

  • The committee will certainly take your opinions on board before making a decision .

    委员会 作出决定之前当然会 考虑你的意见。

  • The owner or master of any ship may refuse to take on board any package or container which he suspects to contain dangerous goods and may require it to be opened to ascertain its contents .

    任何船舶的船东或船长如怀疑任何包装或容器载有危险品,则可拒绝 该包装或容器运 船舶,并可要求将其开启,以确定其内含物。

  • You have to ensure that your hand or cabin luggage fits the size requirements of the airline otherwise the airline will not allow you to take the luggage on board .

    你要确定你的手提行李符合航空公司的大小要求,不然的话,他们不会允许你 行李 飞机。如果超过规格, 需要 它登记成托运行李,要不然这可能 变成个大麻烦。

  • I hope that they will take on board some of what you have said .

    我希望他们能 采纳你们所提出的部分想法。

  • If you have a car you can offer seats to paying passengers raking back a third of your petrol costs for each person you take on board .

    如果你有车,可以 上愿意付钱的人,毕竟多一个人可以 你节省三分之一的油费。

  • The unions could not take on board the idea of a pay freeze .

    工会不能 接纳 冻结工资的意见。

  • Concerning the International Football Association Board naturally they will take on board again the discussion on technology said Blatter . They will have a first opportunity when the business meeting of the Board of July is meeting in Wales .

    在7月份在威尔士召开的商务会议上,国际足球协会 理事会自然 机会 比赛中是否引用高科技(如电子眼等)进行再次商讨。