take ill

[tek ɪl][teik il]


  • When I have free time I go out and take a lot of shots in different places and from different views so that Ill have more materials to make something really good he said .

    当我有业余时间的 我就会出去 拍摄很多的照片,在不同的地点、以不同的视角,这样才使 有更多的素材使作品更加完美他说。

  • That 's very kind of you but I have to take care of my daughter since my wife is ill .

    真是太感谢您了。但我妻子 ,我不得不 照顾我女儿。

  • Sorry I 've to take back my words . I can 't show you around Qingdao tomorrow for my wife is ill .

    对不起,我不得不 收回我说的话。明天不能带你游玩青岛了,因为我的妻子

  • The doctor insisted that he ( should ) take the medicine but he insisted that he was not ill .

    医生坚持要他 此药,但他坚持说他没有

  • He didn 't take part in the party with his mother being ill .

    因为他妈妈 所以他没有 参加晚会。

  • My second uncle who lives in front of our house applied to retire in advance in order to take care fo his ill wife .

    为了 照顾 患病的老伴,前院的二叔提前办理了退休手续。

  • In other cases children may need to stop their education early in order to take care of an ill parent or siblings .

    其他方面的情况是,儿童或需提前中断学业,来 照顾 生病的父母或者兄弟姐妹。

  • If anything I said displeased you please do not take it ill .

    如果我哪句话说 不中听,请别见怪。他说这话是无心的,你可 见怪

  • Don 't take ill of me !


  • Therefore in order to give city traffic a convenience and not to influence the track surroundings it is quite necessary to take measures to alleviate and isolate the ill vibration .

    因此,为了达到城市高架轨道能给城市交通带来方便而又不影响周边的环境,就需要 采取减振和隔振措施,以便降低或消除这种 不良的振动。

  • Obama is scheduled to take a break from the campaign trail later this week to visit his gravely ill grandmother in Hawaii .

    欧巴马预定在本周晚 时候暂停巡回竞选,以便前 夏威夷探望他身患 重病的外祖母。

  • Afterward the other dancers discovered that she had to take care of her seriously ill mother in the hospital .

    后来,其他同事发现原来她 需要 医院照顾她那 生病的母亲。

  • For once the health sector can take a proactive role in addressing a fundamental cause of much ill health .

    总算有一次,卫生部门可 发挥积极主动的作用,处理造成大量健康 不良的根本原因。

  • Take not a woman 's anger ill .

    对女人的愤怒 不要 介意

  • Of course I know that he lied but I feared the peasants being a superstitious lot would take it ill .

    当然我知道他说谎,但我害怕那些农民会 开来,他们都是群非常 迷信的人们。

  • Already this day I have seen my son who was killed by the emperor and I take that as an exceeding ill omen .

    今天我看见了我的儿子,他已经被皇帝处死了,我 觉得那是非常 预兆

  • Companys that have not insightfully examined the processes and only take a summarized bottom line view typically do not understand why their process is ill .

    没有深入分析过程,而只是概括 观察的公司一般不了解它们的过程为什么有 问题

  • However the sharp appreciation of yen afterwards did not take ill effect on Japan 's exportation and this paradoxical evidence has become one of the hotspots among economists worldwide .

    日元升值并没有 日本的对外贸易造成实际的 负面影响,这成为一个悖论,是学术界经常讨论的热门话题之一。

  • Want to take revenge on sb ; bear ill will towards sb .

    欲向某人 报复;对某人 不怀好意

  • We should take good care of the old the infirm but ill the very young

    我们应该 照顾好老年人、 体弱者、 病人和幼儿

  • You are going to take part in a football game but you 're ill .

    将会参与一场足球赛,但你 生病

  • If youre ever bored you can always pick up your instrument and play . I play the piano and sometimes when I want to relax and just take some time to myself Ill go sit down and start playing .

    如果你觉得无聊,那你可以在任何时候拿起乐器开始演奏。我弹钢琴,有时当我想放松或自己独处时, 会坐下演奏钢琴。

  • He desired I would not take it ill if he gave orders to certain proper officers to search me .

    他盼望我不要 见怪,如果他命令几个主管官吏来搜查我。

  • His desire to see Rome had to take a back seat when he discovered his son was ill in England .

    当他得知儿子 在英国时,不得不 搁置起去观光罗马的愿望。

  • Why don 't you go to take care of your mother when she 's ill ?

    你母亲 生病的时候你为什么不去 照顾她?

  • We are so unfortunate that we can only take pleasure in a thing on condition of being annoyed if it turn out ill as a thousand things can do and do every hour .

    我们是如此不幸,以至于只有在某件事难以处理、令人 烦恼的情况下, 才能得到快乐,成千上万的事情都是这样,我们时时都有事情可做。

  • I hope my teacher will take into account the fact that I was ill just before the exams when she marks my paper .

    我希望老师在阅卷时能 考虑到我恰好在考试前生 的事实。

  • One possibility is that optimists are better at coping with adversity and may for example take better care of themselves when they do fall ill .

    另一个可能性是乐观主义者能够更正确的应付逆境,例如,当他们自己 生病 能够照顾自己。