take exception

[tek ɪkˈsɛpʃən][teik ikˈsepʃən]


  • Did she take exception to my remarks about her cooking ?

    我批评她的烹调技术,她 高兴吗?

  • We take exception to this question .

    对这个问题 异议

  • You would not be able to take corrective action on an exception .

    不能够对 异常 采取纠正操作。

  • All the track and field finals will take place in the evening with the customary exception of the marathon .

    此外, 马拉松 的所有田径项目的 决赛被安排在晚上。

  • When I go to work I prefer to take a bus rather than drive and that morning was not exception .

    我喜欢 公共汽车上班,而不是自己驾车。那天上午也不 例外

  • So from the theory all behaviors of the individuals and masses have to take Yi as presupposition and there is no exception in the aspects of making'benefit ' .

    因此在理论上讲,个人、集体的行为都必须 行“义”为前提,当然,在取利方面也不应 例外

  • When analyzing the relations between association rules and state laws we should take care of the generality and exception of the conflict rules .

    在分析社团规章与国家法的关系时,应 注意到冲突规则的原则与 例外

  • Second the victim stated that the collection should adopt take willfully as a principle take forces as the exception principle .

    第二,被害人陈述收集应采取以任意为原则, 强制为 例外的原则。

  • I particularly take exception to the phrase push your buttons .

    我尤其 反对“按对按钮”这一词组。

  • But do I take exception to the inference that I am .

    但是,对于我这一说法,是否 可做 例外呢?

  • And the problem is that they take exception to any kind of noise whatsoever .

    问题是他们 反感任何形式的噪音。

  • Normally it is forbidden to take photos there but they have made an exception for him .

    一般而言,这里是禁止进入和 拍照的,但他们为他 了一

  • Key elaborated that Our country Government information is public publicly take as a principle take not public as the exception principle of legality .

    重点阐述我国政府信息公开以公开为原则, 不公开为 例外的法律原则。

  • I do take exception to that because it 's a little more complex than me identifying as black or answering a question of ` Are you black or white ? ' she said .

    反对你这种 说法,因为这可比称自己是黑人或回答‘你是黑人还是白人’的问题复杂一些, 多尔扎尔说。

  • Other actions associated with the milestone may take place during normal operations and not only when an exception occurs .

    与此里程碑关联的其他动作可能在正常运营期间 发生,而并不只是出现在发生 异常时。

  • Alright we will take this transaction as an exception and accept your request to hold arbitration in Sweden .

    好的,我们就 破例接受你们的要求,同意在瑞典进行仲裁。

  • They take exception to the way you put the question .

    他们 同意你对这个问题的 提法

  • Why did you take exception towhat he said ? He was only joking .

    你干嘛对他说的话 动气呀?他不过开开玩笑罢了。

  • You must all take the examination without exception .

    毫无 例外,你们都必须 参加考试。

  • I believe that sometimes you and I also run into people who misunderstand us or take exception to something we do or say .

    我想,您和我有时候也 遇到一位对我们不理解、对我们有意见的人。

  • I take strong exception to your suggestion that this action was done for financial gain .

    你认为这种行为是以盈利为目的,我 表示强烈 反对

  • Her analysis of the contrast between US suburban schools usually good and urban schools typically bad struck me as fair but I must take exception to some of the assertions in her article .

    她对美国郊区学校(通常教育质量高)与城里学校(通常教育质量低)所做的公正分析给我留下了深刻印象,但对文中的某些论断我 必须提出 反对意见。

  • First of all the author thinks our country criminal hearsay evidence rule construction should take principle and exception list plus discretion regulation mode .

    首先,作者认为,我国刑事传闻证据规则的构建宜 采取原则加列举加 例外再加自由裁量的规定模式。

  • I take exception to being addressed by my surname ; I consider it bad manners .


  • You all must take the examination I can make no exception .

    你们必须全体 参加考试,我不 允许例外

  • Online service and online file transfer can basically ensure the needs of information exchange . The ways of hearing of ODR take adjudication by record as principle and trial as an exception .

    在线送达、在线文件传输基本上可以保证资讯交流的需要,ODR的审理方式 书面审理为原则,开庭审理为 例外

  • I take it that means without exception from the most trivial thoughts to the most shameless . Luigi was not mistaken . The traveller who was going from Palestrina to Tivoli had mistaken his way ;

    按我的 理解这是说他没有一回猜 ,从最琐碎的到最无耻的念头。罗吉没有猜错,这位旅客是从派立斯特里纳到蒂沃利去的,已经走错了路。

  • I take great exception to having such poor service here .

    这儿得到那么糟糕的服务,我 表示抗议。

  • Liable to objection or debate ; used of something one might take exception to .

    容易招致反对或者争论;用来指人们 可能 反对的东西。

  • Many of them read the Financial Times and seem to take exception to anodyne things written by me .

    他们当中有许多人阅读英国《金融时报》,且似乎对我写的 消遣类文章感到不满。