tank farm


  • Safety assessment is implemented in a petroleum tank farm using safety check list and risk matrix method .

    采用安全检查表和风险矩阵的方法,对某原油 油库进行了安全评价。

  • Analysis and disposal of problems in installation and commissioning of servo level gauges in tank farm


  • Oil is pumped into and out of the tanks of the tank farm using 30 electric pumps that are controlled by software that runs at the main pumping station .

    原油使用30个电子泵向储 油库 储油箱中泵入和从中泵出,这些电子泵由在主要泵送站上运行的软件控制。

  • Consideration and Suggestions for the Discharge of Major Pollutants in Jixi District Technologies of clean production and reduction of gaseous pollutant emissions for sour water tank farm of refinery

    鸡西市主要污染物减排的现状及对策炼油厂酸性 水罐区气体污染物减排技术

  • By running in tank farm it improves the measure accuracy .

    说明了上, 下位 在发油过程中的作用并详细介绍了电 的工作过程,通过 油库实际运行,从而提高了发油量的准确度。

  • The total capacity of Acme Refining Company 's crude oil tank farm is approximately 54 imperial gallons .

    AcmeRefiningCompany的原油储油库总容量约为 54994171英国加仑。

  • Vapour fire protection system is equipped at liquid sulfur tank farm .

    液流 罐区设置蒸汽消防系统。

  • The expanded condensate tank farm is to store condensate produced by the2nd and1st cpfs .

    扩建 罐区用于储存来自第二处理厂及第一处理厂来的产品凝析油。

  • The operation of tank cleaning is a regular work in oil tank farm with danger .

    清罐作业是 油库一项经常性的工作,具有 较大的危险性。

  • Energy-saving Analysis of Heating System for Crude Oil Tank Farm in Winter

    油罐 加热系统冬季运行节能分析

  • Effect of fire wall and water drainage in oil tank farm on fire fighting safety

    油罐 防火堤及排水对消防安全的影响

  • Secondary Microcomputer Supervision System in Tank Farm

    管道 储罐 油库 罐区二级微机监控管理系统实现

  • Fault Tree Analysis of Fire and Explosion Risk of Propene Tank Farm

    丙烯 罐区火灾、爆炸风险的故障树分析

  • Application of steam measure in tank farm proved that this type of gas mass flowmeters have stability reliability and veracity .

    列举了在 罐区蒸汽计量的应用情况,通过实践证明了该气体质量流量计在蒸汽计量方面的稳定性、可靠性和准确性。

  • The fire which may have been started during maintenance work has damaged a pump room site near the tank farm according to the company .

    壳牌新加坡公司称,这次火灾可能是在维修过程中引起的,已经对 罐区附近的一个水泵房产生了破坏。

  • The technical reform plan of oil loading system in Korla-Shanshan tank farm is introduced .

    介绍了鄯善外运 油库装车系统增加自流装车工艺的具体施工方案及经济效益。

  • The fire system design for tank farm is an important component of tank farm 's fire design .


  • Design of Simulation System in Tank Farm


  • The application of PLC in automatic control of pump house in tank farm is introduced .

    介绍了 油库实时监控系统的系统 配置、应用软件构成及功能。

  • Application of the LPG Pump in Loading and Unloading System of Tank Farm

    液化气泵在 油库装卸系统中的应用

  • Delivery of gasoline and diesel fuel is a logistics activity and requires the ability to calculate the length of time required to move between two locations in this case two tank farm facilities .

    汽油和柴油的运送是一个物流活动,需要能够计算在两个位置(在这种情况下,两个 油库设施)之间运送所需的时长。

  • Analyzing concretely the safty design of acrylic ester tank farm from process angle and emphasizing the problem noticed in design .

    从工艺设计的角度具体分析了丙烯酸酯 罐区的安全设计,强调了设计中应该注意的问题。

  • Application of Method of Evaluation of DOW 's Index of Fire Explosion in a Oil Tank Farm

    DOW火灾爆炸指数评价法在 油库中的应用

  • The application shows that this technique can greatly reduce the energy consumption of oil tank farm and distillation unit .

    实例应用表明该方法应用于实际操作,可较大幅度地降低 油罐 和蒸馏装置的相关能耗。

  • As to oil tank farm the fire control system is very important to the safety of oil transportation .


  • Describes the model selection erection arrangement and piping methods of storage tanks and pumps in the process design of liquid tank farm in chemical plants . It also briefs the principles for control and electric substation / distribution arrangement .

    介绍在化工装置液体 罐区的工艺设计中贮罐和泵的选型、安装布置和配管的方法,并简述控制室、变配电室的布置原则。

  • The refinery stores crude oil in a tank farm consisting of 50 large tanks each of which has a 5 cubic meter capacity approximately 1 U.S. gallons or 1 imperial gallons .

    炼油厂将原油存储在一个 油库中,其中包含50个大型储油箱,每个储油箱拥有5000立方米的容量,大约1320850美国加仑或1099883英国加仑。

  • A refinery a tank farm and a staging area are all instances of a facility as shown in the facility model in Figure 8 .

    炼油厂、 油库和暂存区域都是设施的实例,如图8中的设施模型所示。

  • Researched are pool fires and explosive steam clouds formerly occurring in a certain oil depot tank lorry or oil tank farm and quantitative analysis is conducted on their risks .

    通过对池火灾和爆炸性蒸汽云的研究,对油库槽车或油库 罐区的危险性进行定量分析。