technical costs

[经] 技术成本

  • Without the technical improvements and volumes to lower costs commercially viable approaches will remain unrealised .

    如果没有 技术进步和量产来降低 成本,商业可行战略仍将无法实现。

  • But a collapse of the euro would bring with it unprecedented technical economic and political costs ( see article ) .

    不过,随欧元崩溃带来的 技术、经济和政治 成本却是空前的。

  • Exogenous technical advantages ( such as transportation costs ) tariff barriers economies of scale R & D competition and dynamic learning that affect global trade are becoming more and more important .

    外生的 技术优势(比如运输 成本),关税壁垒,规模经济,研发竞争,动态学习等越来越成为影响全球贸易的重要因素。

  • The technical characteristics plant investments and production costs of above three technologies are compared .

    比较了3种工艺路线的 工艺特征、装置投资和生产 成本

  • Compared to other systems it has lower-cost shorter development cycle and maturer technology which allows third-party manufacturers to reduce their technical risk lower development costs and shorten new product development cycle . It has a certain practical application value .

    相比其它系统,它具有成本低廉、开发周期短和技术成熟的特点,能让第三方厂商减少 技术风险,降低开发 成本,缩短新产品研发周期,具有一定的实际应用价值。

  • Thirdly technical standards is to reduce the production costs of technical rules .

    第三, 技术标准是能够降低生产 成本的技术规则。

  • Using some special technical measures they saved construction costs and shortened the construction time .

    通过采用特殊的 技术措施,节约了工程 成本,缩短了施工工期。

  • It also describes technical ways of reducing costs of thermal insulation structure and other noticeable problems .

    同时,论述了降低保温结构 造价 技术途径和值得注意的问题。

  • As the technology used in accounting information systems becomes more advanced both system development or management and maintenance put forward higher requirements to the level of technical personnel construction and operation and maintenance costs are also becoming increasingly difficult to control .

    随着会计信息系统所使用的技术越来越先进,无论是系统的开发,还是管理和维护都对 技术人员的水平提出了更高的要求,建设和运行维护 成本也越来越难以控制。

  • It is suggested to intensify the development of efficient Ag-catalysts to raise production technology of ethylene glycol to enhance technical management and to reduce production costs .

    分析了国内外乙二醇的生产、消费、进出口情况以及主要生产商的竞争态势,建议加强高效银催化剂的研制开发,提高乙二醇生产技术,加强 技术管理,降低生产 成本

  • What is more some developed countries have raised the technical standard which has increased the export costs of Chinese enterprises and finally these enterprises lost their competitiveness in foreign market .

    许多发达国家提高 技术标准,导致我国企业出口 成本增加,丧失竞争力。

  • Technical measures for reducing production costs of feed-grade calcium hydrogen phosphate by dilute phosphoric acid method

    饲料磷酸氢钙工艺研究&酸解和酸渣分离降低稀磷酸法饲料磷酸氢钙生产 成本 技术措施

  • Introduction of Question 84 of the 22nd Congress of ICOLD & Technical solutions to reduce time and costs design and construction

    减少工程投资缩短工期的 大坝设计和施工 技术&第22届国际大坝会议第84专题内容综述

  • In modern analyses of economics on one hand transaction cost is regarded as a technical concept and used to measure all costs involving contracts ( searching and information costs contracts cost and supervision cost );

    现代经济分析中,交易成本概念作为一种 技术概念,被用于度量与缔约相关的各种 成本(搜寻信息成本、缔约成本、监督履约成本);

  • However we needed to move to a single technical architecture to reduce development costs and allow us to move more rapidly in the market .

    然而,我们需要转移到单一的 技术体系结构以减少开发 成本并使我们在市场中运转的更快。

  • The technology is at advantage of mild conditions simple processing technical and lower costs and has broad prospects for industrial applications .

    技术处理条件温和,处理 成本较低,具有广阔的工业应用前景。

  • Customer training and technical support costs are reduced because the consistency that standards bring improves ease of use and learning .

    因为标准带来的一致性改善了易用性和易学性,降低了客户培训和 技术支持的 费用

  • This paper introduces the technical characteristics of compact transmission lines and their applications at home and abroad emphatically analyzing the main technical features project costs and operation of 500 kV compact transmission line from Luoping to Baise located at high altitudes of southern power grid of China .

    介绍了紧凑型线路的技术特点及国内外应用情况,特别对位于南方电网高海拔地区的500kV罗平&百色紧凑型输电线路主要 技术特点、工程 造价、运行情况进行了分析。

  • Fluid column impact tower has the characteristics of high desulphurization efficiency reliable performance strong adaptability high level of automatic control in technical process low initial investment and running costs and so on .

    液柱冲击塔具有脱硫效率高,性能可靠,适应性强, 工艺过程的自动控制水平高,初投资和运行 费用较低等特点,非常适用于工业锅炉的烟气脱硫。

  • Neither India nor Nepal can afford the technical economic and social costs associated with a high dam .

    印度和尼泊尔都无法负担和高坝有关的 技术、经济和社会 成本

  • In this paper based on full investigation and further established a network of various professional one or more of their network maintenance to measure the size of key technical indicators to measure the professional network maintenance costs .

    本文在充分调研的基础上,进一步对各种专业网路确立了各自的一项或几项衡量网络维护规模的关键 技术指标,用来衡量各专业网的维护 费用

  • The furnace in the rolling mill is a key technical link affecting the entire rolling line production costs and the quality of the products .

    轧钢厂加热炉是影响整个轧线生产 成本和轧制成品质量的重要 工艺环节。

  • Computerized tax administration is an important measure of strengthening tax collection and administration . It is also a technical assurance of reducing taxation costs and improving collection and administration effectiveness .

    税收管理信息化是加强税收征管、实现依法治税的重要措施,也是降低税收 成本和提高征管效率的 技术保障。

  • Its goals were to test and mainstream technical innovations that both reduced costs and responded to farmers ' priorities .

    该项目的目的是,试验能够降低 成本并对农民的优先重点作出及时反应的新 技术,并将其主流化。

  • A still more ambitious approach would be to recognise that globalisation and technical change impose costs on US workers who have lost jobs and to address that through wider policy reforms .

    一个更具雄心的做法,是承认全球化和 科技变革会让美国工人 付出 代价,失去工作,同时通过更广泛的政策改革来解决问题。

  • Fourthly the book regresses to the realization from the theory and demonstration analysis points out a technical route to achieve the costs management of Ideological and Political Education to get the effectiveness of Ideological and Political Education .

    其四,从学理分析和实证分析中回归现实,指出实现思想政治教育 成本管理,通往思想政治教育实效性的 技术路径。

  • From a historical perspective and time dimension analysis of the evolution of comparative advantage in agriculture industry and market demand facility conditions technical and other factors of production costs and benefits of their movements . 2 .

    从历史和时间维视角,分析农业产业比较优势的演变,以及市场需求、设施条件、 技术、生产 成本与效益等因素对其变动的影响。

  • Due to technical improvements and decreasing development costs during the past two years the Canadian oil sand product output has surpassed 1 million barrels per day .

    近两年来,随着 技术进步和开发 成本的降低,加拿大油砂油产量已突破100万桶/日。