teaching machine

[ˈtitʃɪŋ məˈʃin][ˈti:tʃɪŋ məˈʃi:n]


  • The Application of the Block-diagram Teaching Method in Machine Element Course

    框图法 教学机械零件课中的应用

  • Computer Numerical Control System of a Teaching Machine

    教学 机床的计算机数控

  • Computer-Aided Instruction is a modern teaching machine and artifice . It is a late-model teaching mode kernel on computer that represents the current and the stream of curriculum teaching mode .

    计算机辅助教学(CAI)是以计算机为核心的现代化 教学 工具和手段的一种新型的教学模式,代表了课堂教学模式发展的趋势和方向。

  • Putting up Experimental Platform of Computer Practical Teaching Using Virtual Machine Technique

    利用虚拟 技术构建计算机实践 教学实验平台

  • In Combination of the Teaching Work of Machine Design Course Develop Various Forms of Computer Aided Design

    结合 机械设计 教学开展多种形式计算机辅助设计

  • The article on the basis of the course 's characteristics analyses and explores the teaching of MACHINE DESIGN from the teaching steps of teaching organizing teaching methods the selection of the teaching media experiments and comprehensive design .

    针对《 机械设计》课程的特点,从教案的组织、课堂教学方法、教学媒体的选用、实验、机械设计大 作业等教学环节对本 课程 教学进行分析和探讨。

  • It 's introduced that the numerical control improvement on CJ9526 / 550 appliance-lathe which as a teaching machine .

    对CJ9526/550家用型台式车床进行数控改造,并且作为一种 教学机床

  • New System of Course 's Teaching of Machine Graphics of Construction

    构建 机械类制图课程的 教学新体系

  • Students can fulfill experiments such as hydraulic pump 's characteristics performances of restrictive speed regulation loop overflow valve 's static and dynamic characteristics etc. according to the experimental teaching program of Machine Design and Manufacturing and Automations .

    它可按照 机械设计制造及自动化专业实验 教学大纲的有关要求,完成液压泵的特性、节流调速回路性能、溢流阀静态性能、动态性能等实验。

  • Design about Form and Structure of Hand Language Teaching Machine

    手提式语言 教学 形体与结构的设计

  • The paper deals with the approaches to the teaching of machine cartography .

    本文论述了《 机械制图》 教学的若干方法。

  • This article introduces the design thoughts of a hand language teaching machine .

    阐述一款手提式语言 教学 的设计思路。

  • When the second question appears on the screen of the teaching machine your answer to the first question goes out of sight .

    当第二个问题出现在 教学 的屏幕上的时候,你对第一个问题的答案便从屏幕上消失了。

  • Active learning focuses on teaching the machine to learn how to use their own capacity to achieve an effective categorization performance by simplifying the steps and using the lowest cost .

    主动学习的研究重点在于 学习 系统如何利用自身主动学习的能力,以尽可能少的步骤和尽可能低的标注代价实现分类性能的有效提升。

  • EDA and Electronic Technology Experiment Computer Assisted Instruction teaching machine

    电子设计自动化与电子技术实验 计算机辅助 教学

  • Research of application of Pro-E in teaching of machine tool jig design

    Pro-E在 机床夹具设计 教学中的应用研究

  • The Comparing Method in Teaching Electric Machine

    谈谈 电机 教学中的类比法

  • Translational Corpus and its corresponding concordance system are of great value to such fields as translation studies translation process translation teaching and machine translation .

    翻译语料库及其检索平台在翻译研究、翻译实践、翻译 教学 自动翻译等领域都具有较大的实用价值。

  • On the Application of Ways to Inspire Thought in Teaching Machine Graphics

    启发思维方法在 机械制图 教学中的应用

  • A few problems on the teaching of electric machine rotary magnetic field

    电机旋转磁场 教学中的几个问题

  • With interactive teaching and machine learning it can construct the frame structure of knowledge easily with the experiences and knowledge of sculptors and describe engraving curved surface exactly .

    在雕刻学习过程中,通过交互式 传授 机器学习,能方便地利用雕刻者的经验知识建立起知识框架结构,实现对雕刻曲面的精确描述。

  • Although based on PC machine and computer software of multimedia system in the field of sports teaching gradually universal but the higher sports colleges and universities basketball teaching is the main technology teaching PC machine in the training of basketball tactics application proportion less .

    虽然基于PC机和电脑软件的多媒体系统在体育教学领域逐渐普及,但高等体育院校篮球技术教学主要是以技术 教学 为主,基于PC机和 电脑软件的 多媒体 系统在篮球战术训练中使用较少。

  • This paper discussed the teaching system of machine design course from the aspects of teaching outline electronic courseware and practice teaching according to basic conception of excellent course construction .

    根据精品课程建设的要求和构想,从教学大纲、电子教案和实践教学等方面,探讨研究《 机械设计》精品课程 教学体系的构建问题。

  • The Design and Development of Multi-functional Teaching Lathe Machine Tool

    多功能 教学型数控 车床的设计与开发

  • The Chinese real number expression ( CRNE ) is of special importance in the fields of Chinese language teaching and machine translation .

    汉字的实数表达方式及规则,在汉语 教学 机器翻译等领域中,都是较为重要的内容。

  • Study and Discussion on Creativeness Teaching Method of Machine Drawing at Vocational and Technical College

    高职高专《 机械制图 创造性 教学方法的研究与探讨

  • Study on the Reformation of the Integrative Experiment Teaching in Machine Design Manufacture and Automation Speciality

    浅谈 机制及自动化专业综合实验 教学改革

  • It is useful for the model to be easy with managing and organizing knowledge as well as implementing teaching reasoning machine .

    该模型便于知识的管理和组织,有利于 教学推理 的实现,具有一定的使用价值。

  • Shallow Talk BXP has no Application in Checking Systematically in Teaching Machine Room

    浅谈BXP无盘系统在 教学 机房中的应用

  • In accordance with the teaching characteristics of machine theory a computer automatic correct test paper or homework system has been developed based on C language .

    本文针对 机械原理 课程 教学的特点,采用C语言编制了计算机自动批阅试卷或作业的系统软件,经过学生的实际上机操作和试运行,效果良好。