


  • It asks us to see the teahouse as the center of the neighbourhood .

    它让我们看到了作为周围中心的 茶馆

  • Lao she was famous for his play Teahouse .

    老舍因他的话剧 茶馆 而闻名。

  • Lao She wrote Teahouse in1957 .

    老舍的《 茶馆 写于1957年。

  • Fo Yin and Su Dongpo came to the teahouse to have tea .

    佛印和苏东坡到 茶馆来喝茶。

  • The story happens in a Beijing teahouse .

    故事发生在一个北京的 茶馆

  • Before long a group of hostile students came into the teahouse .

    不久,一伙敌方的学生来到了 茶馆

  • Another dust-up took place in the teahouse .

    茶馆 又发生了一场打斗。

  • I go to the teahouse again .

    我想有一天再去 茶馆

  • Changes like that will completely alter the play from the original teahouse .

    照那样改动,会面目全非,就不是原来的《 茶馆 了。

  • The play takes place in a Beijing teahouse and it tells us story of Wang Lifa and his customers .

    这部戏剧发生在北京的一个 茶馆 ,并且向我们讲述了王利发和他的顾客的故事。

  • I really should not open a teahouse .

    我还真不能开这个 茶楼

  • After the war Wang loses the teahouse and he dies .

    战争之后,王利发失去了 茶馆,死了。

  • Kunming the teahouse is divided into several categories I do not know .

    昆明的 茶馆共分几类,我不知道。

  • I even designed a teahouse based on the prototype .

    我甚至还基于这 砚台的原型设计了一个 茶馆

  • He 's especially famous for his play Teahouse .

    他尤其是因为他的剧本 茶馆而出名。

  • I 'll take a rest at this teahouse .

    那我就先在这 茶楼休息一会儿。

  • He turned in the rickshaw and spent some more time in a teahouse .

    他交了车,在 茶馆 又耗了会儿。

  • But if the old-fashioned Hong Kong teahouse is on the wane the dim sum tradition itself is flourishing .

    然而,如果说老式的香港 茶楼已经衰败了,但是点心这一传统本身却在欣欣向荣地发展。

  • Several blocks away we enter the famous teahouse .

    走了几站路,我们到了那家“有名的” 茶馆

  • This is a testimony both to the need of the society for teahouse and to its vitality .

    这既反映了社会对 茶馆的需要, 充分显示了其极为旺盛的生命力。

  • We watched the play teahouse which was written by Lao she .

    我们看了老舍写的话剧“ 茶馆”。

  • And I served as a waiter at a teahouse .

    我还在 茶楼当了一 服务员。

  • Along the street low-rise concrete buildings house supermarkets hardware stores clothing shops and a teahouse .

    沿街低矮的水泥建筑物里,有超市、五金商店、服装店和一个 茶馆

  • She fell off a long footbridge near the teahouse .

    她在 茶馆附近,自一座很长的人行桥上跌落下去。

  • This famous Taipei teahouse has recently re-opened after a long renovation .

    这家知名的台北 茶馆在经过长时间的重新装修后最近刚刚开张。

  • Lao She was a famous writer . he 's especially famous for his play teahouse .

    老舍是一个著名的作家。他最著名的话剧就是 茶馆

  • Every afternoon I go to the teahouse to listen to storytelling .

    我每天下午都要去这个 茶馆听书。

  • A teahouse in the park is in dialogue with the natural setting .

    公园的一个 茶室与自然在对话。

  • Do you know that this restaurant used to be the teahouse where we first met ?

    你知道吗,这个餐馆就是我们第一次见面的那个 茶馆呢。