


  • She went about her work silently and Jamie sat still in his place and studied the teakettle .

    她默默地继续干她的活,而杰米仍一动不动地坐在老地方研究着这 水壶

  • James Watt & the Teakettle

    詹姆斯·瓦特和 茶壶

  • This teakettle will whistle when the water boils .

    茶壶在水开时会发出 嘘声。

  • The easiest place to look for turbulence is in the stream of steam rising from a boiling teakettle .

    寻找湍流最方便的场合 过于 开的 水壶 的蒸汽流了。

  • When he turned the knob on the stove the blue flame that erupted under the teakettle gave a dim glow to the room .

    当他扭开炉灶的旋钮, 茶壶 下面 腾起的蓝色火焰让屋子 闪烁暗淡的光线。

  • A teakettle a coffee pot and a syrup jug have spouts .


  • When the water vapor at the mouth of a teakettle spout comes into contact with cooler air the water vapor condenses to form a visible cloud of water droplets .

    比如,水蒸气 变化成水。 茶壶嘴的水蒸气开始与比较凉的空气接触时,水蒸汽凝结而形成由小水滴组成的可见的水雾。