teach school

[titʃ skul][ti:tʃ sku:l]


  • I would rather work as a manager than teach in the school .

    我宁可在公司当经理也不在这 学校 教书

  • He gladly accepted the offer to teach at the school .

    他高兴地接受了那 学校 任教的请求。

  • The program is called hip hop stroke and it uses rap music to teach school kids to recognize stroke symptoms .

    这项计划叫做嘻哈治疗中风,即利用说唱 在校学生识别中风的病征。

  • Mai Po has been used not only to teach school students but also as a platform for educators to share experience in organizing ESD programmes .

    米浦不仅仅是用于对 学校学生的 教育,而且已经成为从事教育的工作者分享他们在开展曲折式可持续发展教育(ESD)项目中的经验的一个平台。

  • All the musicians must be busy none of them wish to teach at this school .

    看来所有的乐师都非常忙,他们不想到这 丝竹学苑来 任教

  • Therefore the essay makes an attempt to study how to teach high school English writing under the guidance of this approach . Firstly the thesis briefly introduces the background the significance and purpose of the study and the structure of the study .

    因此,本文将以这种教学法为指导原则,探讨如何进行 高中英语写作 教学。本文首先简单地介绍了研究的背景、目的、意义及文章的结构。

  • A Thought on How to Teach Middle School Well

    关于如何上好 中学 音乐 的一点思考

  • I teach at the school here now .

    我现在在这里的 学校老师

  • Do you still teach in that school ?

    你还在那 学校 教书

  • Not only did he teach school but he wrote novels .

    他不但在 学校 教书,然而而且还写小说。

  • You used to teach my Sunday school .

    你曾在我的主日 教课

  • The hidden curriculum build in music teach school reform of Higher Normal University

    论高师音乐 教学改革中的隐性课程建设

  • Teach hall and school collude random recruit students collect fees in disorder this kind of circumstance wants to be accused to the court of course !

    教育厅和 学校勾结乱招生,乱收费,这种情况当然要向法院告!

  • Grandma had a foreign language in Beijing to teach in school for three years China has deep feelings for her like a love like the love of their motherland China .

    奶奶曾在北京一所外语 学校 执教三年,对中国有着深厚的感情,她像爱自己的祖国一样热爱中国。

  • What does your mother teach at school ?

    你母亲在 学校 什么?

  • Men don 't buy the Florence Nightingale garbage they teach in nursing school .

    男性不会接受护理 学校 传授的弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔那陈旧的一套。

  • I know I replied nervously . But we teach school here and we thought that maybe you would sell it to someone planning to settle .

    “我知道,”我紧张地回答说,“可是我们在这里 教学,我们原以为您也许会卖给想在这里定居的人。”

  • When I came to teach at this school most of the classrooms were in a temporary condition he says .

    “在我刚到这 学校 教书时,大多数教室都处于一种临时将就的状况,”他说。

  • So here are 10 lessons that entrepreneurs need more than what they teach in business school .

    因此,除了商 学院 教授的课程以外,这里还有10门需要创业者学习的课程。

  • At best all they teach you in school is how to learn .

    学校老师 你的最多就是怎么去学习。

  • Is that what they teach at school now ?

    这就是现在 学校 的东西吗?

  • Mom : Cabbage ? Is that what they teach at school now ?

    妈妈:卷心菜?这就是现在 学校 的东西吗?

  • That 's how they teach you in school he said smiling .

    那是 学校 你们的法子,他笑着说。

  • At present it is well known that it is becoming more and more difficult to teach vocational school students for they usually gradually lose their interest in English learning . Their self-control is very weak . The order of the English class is in a mess .

    当前, 职校学生的英语 教学变得越来越难,因为他们自控能力差,课堂秩序混乱,而且在逐渐地失去英语学习的兴趣。

  • But in the classroom teaching students or was old enough emphasis on information technology under such circumstances how to teach high school information technology become the people concerned hot .

    但是在实际的课堂中,教学还是以前的老一套,学生对信息技术课不够重视,在这样的背景下,怎样 开展 高中信息技术 ,成为人们关注的热点。

  • Learning strategies of mathematical propositions for teachers to teach high school mathematics and for the general high school students to learn mathematics have important theoretical and practical guide .

    研究数学命题学习策略,对于提高 高中数学教师的 教学和广大高中学生的数学学习都具有重要的理论意义和实际指导意义。

  • Mike : What class do you teach at high school ?

    麦克:您在 中学 的是什么课程?

  • Ever since she was a child her dream has been to teach school .

    从童年时起,去 学校 教书一直是她的梦想。

  • Unless you work in a district that has a year round education system you will have a couple of months off in the summer where you can choose to get another job teach summer school or just relax and vacation .

    除了在执行全年教育体制的地区工作外,一般的 教师工作在夏季将有两个月的休息时间。在此期间,你可以选择再找一份工作,在暑期 学校 上课,或者干脆放松自己享受假期。