


v.取笑,戏弄( tease的现在分词 )梳理(羊毛等)

  • I thought she was teasing playing the innocent but looking back I 'm not so sure

    我当时以为她是 勾引我,装纯情,不过现在回想起来,我又说不准了。

  • After a while his teasing started to get to me .

    过了一会,他的 取笑开始 惹恼我了。

  • He suspected that Laura was teasing him .

    他怀疑劳拉是 挑逗他。

  • He stopped pushing as he felt her breath on his mouth teasing tempting .

    他的嘴感觉到她的 取悦而诱惑的呼吸,他不再阻止了。

  • Your mother 's teasing me .

    你妈妈在 取笑我呢。

  • Just now I was teasing him .


  • ' But we 're having such fun aren 't we ? ' he protested with a teasing smile

    “可是我们现在玩得很开心,不是吗?”他 戏谑地笑着抗议道。

  • Spring hues are teasing .


  • The girls watched little teasing smiles animating their faces .

    女孩们注视着,脸上挂着 调皮的微笑, 显得愈加活泼。

  • Teasing is something you can practice all day long on both guys and girls .


  • Stop teasing me or I 'll kick your ass.

    别再 我了,不然我就扁你。

  • He told her how the boys in East Poldown had set on him teasing him

    他告诉她东波尔顿的男孩们是如何攻击他、 嘲笑他的。

  • I was trying to connect over teasing the smelly girl and she gives me attitude .

    我只是试着 藉由 嘲弄那个臭女生来 拉近关系,而她摆脸色给我看。

  • Teasing and worrying with impish laughter half suppressed .

    用顽皮笑声 戏弄和使人烦恼被抑制了一半。

  • Why are you always teasing me ?

    你为什么总是 嘲笑我?

  • His teasing cut me to the soul .

    他的 嘲弄 刺伤了我的心。

  • What kinds of teasing do you think you would miss most if everyone decided to never tease you again ?

    如果每个人都决定以后再也不嘲弄你了,你认为你会对哪种 受过 嘲弄回味无穷呢?

  • How you do run on teasing a country girl like me .

    不要 取笑我这种乡下姑娘了。

  • I 'm only teasing you !

    我只是 闹着玩的!

  • She gave over teasing and grinned at him .

    她不再 取笑他, 只是朝他咧着嘴笑。

  • This is my private property . I am just teasing you .

    这是我的私有财产,我就 逗逗你, 想吃

  • Don 't provoke the animal by teasing . It may bite you .

    不要 挑逗动物,它会咬你的。

  • Well so you 're teasing me again !

    啊哈,你又来 捉弄我了。

  • Smith was at his most teasing .

    史密斯完全是在开 玩笑

  • I was mad with them for teasing me .

    他们 嘲弄我,我很生气。

  • I hope you are not teasing me Tom .

    你不是 我吧。汤姆。

  • I 'm only teasing . There 's also an adventure film and a cartoon playing tonight .

    和你 玩笑 !今晚还有探险片和卡通片。

  • Your teasing of the new office girl has gone beyond a joke .

    你对这个新 的办公室女 职员 逗弄已超出了开玩笑的界限。

  • I know . I was just teasing you .

    我知道,我刚才和你 玩笑