word painting

[wɚd ˈpentɪŋ][wə:d ˈpeintiŋ]


  • The word WEI belongs to two different semantic fields food and art . In the field of art it can be futher found its meaning in different sub-fields such as music painting and literature .

    味的 语义分属于饮食、艺术两个语义场,艺术语义场之下又可细分成音乐、 书画、文学等子语义场。

  • Up to what they contain cultural connotation is its embodiment philosophy lasting appeal and painter word home based and many other factors itself contributed to flowers painting and flower word influence each other .

    得出他们所蕴含的文化内涵。所体现的哲学韵味和画家 词家自身基础等许多因素共同促成了花卉词与花卉 的相互影响。

  • Tao Liang famous words the word for virgin Pavilion word rich in content and theme with mournful words chanting words farewell words word painting and other words and Chronicle .

    陶梁以词闻名于世,词作《红豆树馆词》题材内容丰富,有悼亡词、咏物词、送别词、 题画词以及纪事 等。

  • What makes the song dynasty is the flower word and flowers painting can behind prosperous prosperous have the influence between them ?

    是什么原因使宋代的花卉 和花卉 能够繁盛,繁盛的背后他们之间有没有影响,是怎样相互影响的呢。

  • Are there unique compositional techniques employed such as word painting ostinato melodic sequence or sprechstimme etc.

    有什么独特的作曲技巧被使用吗?诸如:生动描述、固定音型、旋律次序、 诵唱声部等等?

  • True to his word the painting went above the fireplace pushing aside thousands of dollars worth of art .

    信守 诺言画像被挂在了壁炉的上面,价值数千美元的艺术品被推到了一边。

  • In a word this paper emphasizes to proceed with the artistic sketch and creating practice and it is a beneficial attempt for the comprehension and holding of Chinese ink painting spirit .

    总之,本论文着重从艺术写生和创作实践入手对中国 水墨精神的深入理解和把握的一次有益的尝试。

  • In one word the ideology of the inner most primitive living body in painting is a kind of spirit based and also on the purpose of life principle to explain and explore the activity of painting .

    总之,关于 绘画的软体性思想,是以生命原理为基础,同时也是以此为目标去解释和探索绘画的一种精神。

  • Dragon 's whiskers & Xiao Qian created this word using its delicate imagery to express the essence and beauty of Chinese ink painting .

    “龙须”&萧乾先生创造的这个 ,以其玲珑的意象把 水墨的技艺和神髓完美的表达了出来。

  • The Allegory of the Word Most Expensive Painting Attracts Thousand eyes

    千眼之 ,全球最贵 名画的寓言

  • In a word study sketch is of positive significance to the ink figure painting and sketching .

    总之,研究速写对水墨人物 创作及写生具有积极意义。

  • In China the written word tools painting tools have been integrated with regardless of and in the West are separate .

    在中国,书写 文字的工具,同 绘画的工具一直一体不分,而在西方是分离的。

  • The word thematic painting is the former Soviet union quoted .

    主题性 油画 是从前苏联援引而来。

  • I do believe it is possible to create even without ever writing a word or painting a picture by simply molding one 's inner life .

    我的确相信有可能创造,甚至从未写一个 划一张图,就只简单地以自己内在的生命为模型。